chapter 34

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Every one of my men was as pissed and ready to fight as me. Our return to the club house hadn't been the celebration it should have been. We were just there long enough to assure the women we were still alive and regroup for another attack. The prospects picked up my girls and met us at the hotel. They fell into my arms crying hysterically and begging me to bring Addy home safely. Instead of greeting their women and families with hugs and smiles my brothers had to tell them what was happening and send them to their rooms while we convened in church.

"I'm already tracking her cell prez." Poindexter told me, holding up his phone screen for me to see. The GPS was tracking her headed out of town in the direction of NYC.

"What are the odds these idiots were dumb enough not to take their phones?" Nightmare wondered.

"I don't think this was a well-planned operation. From what Nova said it was a snatch and grab based on coincidence and opportunity." Numb told us.

I couldn't wait around to see if she would call me when they stopped. I didn't want to know what her piece of shit father had planned for her. There was no way I would leave her in his clutches for a moment longer than absolutely necessary. "Poindexter, take the lead position. Keep tracking her, we'll follow you." no one dared bat an eye at my orders. "Mount up, we are leaving immediately."

We weren't on the road long when the kid's voice came through the coms. "They stopped prez. Not far outside of town."

"Take us there kid." I managed to sound calm and authoritative. Inside I was a mess of fear and rage. I wanted to smash things and scream, but I had to be strong for Addy. strong enough to track these fuckers down and make every one of them pay for even thinking about my women, never mind whatever they were planning on doing to her. I couldn't let myself imagine what they would do to her. I would drive myself insane with those thoughts. I would rescue her, and I would fix whatever they broke.

It seemed like forever before we pulled up to a rundown old house at the end of a busted old driveway. They were definitely in there judging from the line of bikes out front. They must have been preoccupied with something important inside, because not a single man had been posted to guard and no one ran out when we pulled up. My gut rolled with the thought of what we were about to walk into. They'd had the girls maybe a total of two hours. How much damage could they do in that time to two defenseless girls?

Demon didn't wait for my signal before he put his size 16 boot through the door and knocked it in. I pushed past him, gun already drawn, and ran into the house. I didn't have to search for anyone. The sight that greeted me.

At least ten, fat, old pieces of human excrement stood watching calmly while one of them repeatedly kicked at Narcissa who had wrapped her body around an unconscious Addy. his pants were around his ankles, while his tiny, shriveled dick flopped uselessly. The jeans stopped him from being able to draw his foot back very far, so his blows were not as hard as they could have been.

I bellowed with outrage and speared the piece of shit in the gut taking him to the floor before any of them even realized that their party had been crashed. My me rushed the room in a pandemonium of fists and screams. I pinned the ass to the ground with ease. He was already out of breath from the exertion of hurting a woman. My woman. My fits hit his face again and again while I straddled his chest.

"King." a hand touched my shoulder, and I shrugged it off. Still beating on the bloody bag of meat under me. "Jace!" The voice was Demon. He grabbed me and tried to pull me off. "He's dead, man. Now help us take out the rest of this trash." I let my brother help me to my feet, my own breath still heaving from the rush of taking a life. It had been a long fucking time since i had committed such a violent act.

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