chapter 37

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It had been three weeks since my abduction, Thanksgiving had come and gone, Christmas was approaching. I sat on one of the bar stools watching Numb and Hope's comical attempts to hang garland in the main party room. "Hold the ladder still!" Hope shouted down at his buddy. He was in denial about the fact that his own nervous shaking was what caused the ladder to shake.

"I got you baby." Sissy raced over to grab the other side of the ladder and help hold it steady. After Hope had carried her out of that hell hole and raced her to the hospital she had latched onto him like a face hugger alien. Not that he minded. He looked down at her with a sweet smile on his face.

Nova turned on her bar stool and faced away from the trio, pretending that her eyes had not just been glued to Numb's ass. King and I had spoken to her, together and separately. We had convinced her that she still had her entire life ahead of her and she didn't have to rush headlong into a relationship with the first man, that wasn't related, to be nice to her. I promised her that if Numb was really the man for her, then he would still be standing there when she turned eighteen.

I'm sure King had held a not so loving and understanding conversation with Numb. The kid might be called numb nuts for a good reason though. He had backed off and was no longer texting Nova, but that didn't mean he was willing to leave her alone completely. Numb volunteered to stand guard for the girls every chance he got. And whenever he thought King wasn't looking, he stole longing glances at her from across the room. Oh yeah, I had no doubt that boy would be knocking at our door on Nova's eighteenth birthday.

King had not let me far from his sight in the last three weeks. He slept wrapped around me like a mama cat with her only kitten. He dragged me everywhere he went, to the grocery store, the club house, WTF, the peach. It had been me who had stopped him from dragging me into church that first night back. Otherwise, he would have had me perched on his lap while he discussed club business with his men.

Instead, I stayed in the party room and hung out with the other old ladies. When none of them were around I even spent time with some of the club girls, with the exception of Bee who kept her distance and glowered at me from the lap of whatever guy she was hanging on that night, i even talked to Mouse, who was shy but sweet. The girl had a routine that she refused to break during the day, but at night she was happy to go with the flow and just be in the same room as everyone else.

Mouse passed me a beer and gave Nova a Shirley Temple. She had even garnished the kid's drink with some cherries and an umbrella. We thanked her and she gave us one of her rare 'real' smiles. I had notice that she often had a sort of plastic smile on her face when dealing with the club girls and some of the guys.

Her eyes flitted across the room to the table where Nightmare and Superman were going over paperwork for the newest client of MC security. Their identity was all hush hush, and everyone was very excited for them to be bringing in big name clients like that. I couldn't tell if she had a thing for one of the two men, or if they just made her nervous. Anytime I brought the guys up in a conversation with her she just said how nice all of the bastards were to her and that she was grateful to them for taking her in.

I was surprised to learn that she was not a club girl like the others. Mouse had never slept with any of the guys. She had her own room in the hotel and earned her keep with the work she did for them. Sex had never been a part of the bargain, not like it was with the other girls. With them it was the typical "put out or get out". Their place in the club was only there for as long as they were useful to the guys.

Mouse was more of a 'team mom' than anything else. It worked out well for everyone because none of the old ladies wanted to clean the club house, and the club girls were honestly not very good at that sort of thing. So sweet little Mouse woke up each morning, started a pot of coffee, and jumped right into cleaning.

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