chapter 32

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I'm not sure how I managed to stand there through that insufferable party and not explode after every side eye glance or muttered comment. I might as well have been wearing a scarlet letter. It was a relief to watch the families slowly file out of the building until I was standing alone in the office while my girls played in one of the studios. When Sissy came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder I almost jumped out of my skin. "Whoa, you looked like you were ready to punch me in the face just now." she laughed nervously.

I didn't comment. I didn't want to punch my only friend, but I definitely wanted to hit someone. I needed to get back to the hotel and see if there was any update on King and the bastards. "You ready to head out?" she nodded. I hadn't even got the chance to discuss her new biker boyfriend like i had planned to. I'd been too shocked when she had hit me with her talk of pole dancing.

We grabbed our stuff and I had just locked the front door when my ears perked up at the rumble of motorcycle pipes coming down the street. My heart leapt and whirled with the hope that it was King come to show me he was already back and safe. The girls dropped their bags and ran into the parking lot to greet their father. But my heart plummeted to my feet when I recognized the lead bike, it wasn't King.

Sissy clapped her hands and gave a giddy laugh. "Oh good, he made it!" she cried happily. I looked at her in shock. She not only knew who was on that lead bike, she had been the one to invite him. "I was really hoping he'd get here in time for you to meet him."

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards the building whilst calling for the girls to come back. Nova grabbed each of her sister's hands and they ran back to me, panic clear on their faces. "It's ok Addy, it's just the guy I was telling you about." Sissy tore her arm free of my grip and sauntered over to the big man who was climbing off his bike. But he wasn't looking at her, his eyes were fixed on me.

"Baker, you made it just in time." Sissy shouted happily and threw herself into his arms. But my father no longer had a use for her. He had used her and she had served her purpose, leading him straight to me. He shoved her to the side and one of his men, big Tex, wrapped his arms around her to hold her captive. "Baker?" her voice quavered and her lower lip shook.

"Well, well, well.  If it isn't my wayward daughter. Been looking for you for a long time, little girl." He didn't look happy to see me. Not like a loving father reuniting with his long-lost child. Nope, he looked like a man coming to retrieve property that had been stolen from him.

"Hi dad." I looked him in the eye with my chin held high.

"Dad?" Sissy was legitimately shocked. "You are her father? You used me?" she shrieked. I felt bad for her. Sissy wasn't a bad person; she didn't deserve to be used by a man like my father. She was naive and self-centered, like the young girl that she was.

"Shut her up." my father told his buddy who clamped one meaty hand over Sissy's face. "I hope you enjoy your little vacation, because it's over now. You took off so fast you didn't even get to find out who won the auction."

I shook my head in denial, I wasn't a prize to be won, or bought. "I'm not a virgin anymore." I informed him. Thinking that would diminish my value in the eyes of his men.

He lunged forward. his huge hand, almost bigger than my entire face, landed a blow on my cheek. My ears were ringing, and my head spun. "You stupid fucking bitch! Do you have any idea what you have done? Do you know how much Panda bear paid for that?" his voice echoed off the walls of the surrounding buildings. I staggered back and felt the girl's hands reaching for me.

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