chapter 21

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It was so strange to think about what King was like as a little boy. He was such a big strong man that it seemed to me that he had always been that way. It made sense that bad things from his past had shaped him into the man who was the bad ass president of an MC. Men with happy childhoods didn't grow up to be bad boy bikers.

Poor Demon had suffered at the hands of the same abusive father. I was still wrapping my head around them being blood brothers when King asked, "what about you? Do you have any siblings?"

"No. I always wished I had a little sister to play with or a big brother to protect me. But it's probably better that my father didn't have any other kids to fuck up."

"Being a father is a tuff fucking job. I'm doing the best I can and I'm probably still going to end up helping my future sons in law pay the girl's therapy bills." He tried to joke.

"Those girls don't know how lucky they are to have a father who cares even a little bit." I shook my head. King had not had a good childhood. He, of all people, would understand how much it meant that he even worried about whether or not his kids would need therapy.

Over his shoulder I caught sight of a pair of teenagers that had been behind us in line for ice cream. They had been holding hands and giggling the entire time we were in line. I could see now that the guy had the girl pushed against a tree and he was kissing his way down her neck with his hands on her boobs. I quickly looked away, but not before I squirmed on Kings lap. "I should probably go wash my sticky hands." I held up my right hand that was still dripping with the remains of my ice cream.

One of King's giant hands wrapped around my wrist. His stunning green eyes stared directly into mine as he slowly pulled my hand towards him and sucked my fingers into his mouth. His mouth was hot and soft. That velvety tongue ran over my fingers, and I couldn't help but moan from the pleasure of it. He smiled around my fingers and continued to suck; I wondered if it was possible to orgasm just from getting your fingers licked.

With his free hand King turned me so I straddled one of his massive thighs. He pulled my fingers from his mouth and told me, "Grind down on me, baby." His voice was thick and husky. I obeyed, rubbing my pussy against him. The friction of my pants against my sensitive clit pulled a gasp out of my lungs. King's eyes were still locked on mine as he dragged his tongue up the side of my hand from wrist to pinkie.

"King." his name came out in a pleading gasp. The hand that wasn't still holding my hand to his mouth grabbed my ass and guided my body to rub against him. He let go of my arm and pulled me towards him. His mouth came down over mine in a searing hot kiss. I moaned into his mouth and dug my fingers into his chest.

"Miss Addy?" a voice broke into our bubble, and we pulled apart in surprise. "Miss Addy is that you?" I pulled away from King like his lips had burned me and spun around to find one of the teenage assistant teachers gawking at me. There was a teenage boy standing slightly behind her with a grin on his pimpled face. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." she said. Her name was Angel, she was a talented dancer, but she usually spent more time gossiping with her friends than helping in class.

King put his hand out towards her with one of his panty dropping smiles. "Hi, my name is Jace Kingston, and yes, I am Adelaide's boyfriend."

Angel shook his hand and then gasped. "You are Nova's dad. Is that why she and her sisters have been showing up in your car? Cuz you are dating their dad?" I stood there like a deer caught in the headlights. It wasn't as if King or I had been trying to keep our relationship a secret. I had been bringing his girls to and from dance for weeks. He had kissed me at the studio. We had gone out on a public date and been kissing in a popular teenage make-out spot. So why was I so nervous about people knowing that I was dating him? Hadn't I spent the last few weeks in his home wishing we were dating? It hit me suddenly that I should be yelling to the roof tops that Jace Kingston was mine and I was his ol' lady.

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