chapter 36

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I was tired to the bone. Never once had I been so grateful for each and every member of my MC. Every man had a job to do and did it well. Cowboy and Superman had left to get the cages when I had been in the back room comforting Addy. They arrived just in time to watch my woman put a bullet between her father's eyes.

While Cat, Hope, and I brought the girls to the hospital Demon did what Demon does best. He took care of business. By the time I got back to the scene of the crime the two bodies and every member of the soulless dead MC were gone. I didn't ask where they were or what he had done to them, that wasn't how Demon worked. When he said they were "taken care of" that was the end of the conversation.

One by one the rival MC's bikes were driven off, never to be seen again. They would be ripped apart, vin numbers filed off, and sold for scrap all over the country. Every single one of us then took a 5 gallon tank of gas and doused that house from roof to basement before striking a match and taking off into the woods to watch it burn from a distance.

The roof caved in, the walls fell, every single part of it was engulfed in flames. Eventually someone saw either the smoke of raging fire and called 911. When the fire trucks arrived, the house was already nothing but timbers. They didn't even try to put it out, just monitored the situation to make sure the surrounding woods didn't catch fire and watered down the pile of ash that was left.

I sat on a hill in the not-so-distant forest and watched until the very last fire marshal drove away. There was no way to prove arson with what was left. It was probably suspected, but one call to Havers ensured that they believed it was the acts of some punk teenagers. I'd have to remember to throw the cop a few extra dollars in his Christmas bonus this year.

That bullshit had taken all night and most of the day. I was keeping my cool only because Nightmare kept me updated on Addy's condition every hour. All I wanted was to get back to my woman and see for myself that she was fine. As far as I knew she had been checked over, treated for her injuries, and was still unconscious in the hospital.

Imagine my surprise when I walked into the private hospital room that I had paid for to find her wrapped up in my best friend's arms and crying. I broke my fucking heart every time that girl cried. Nightmare was all too happy to pass her over for me to deal with her tears. The poor guy didn't spend much time with women, as far as i knew he'd lived like a fucking monk the last ten years. He wasn't used to the tender feelings of young ladies.

Girls had been crying all over me for the last sixteen years of my life. It wasn't my ex-wife, it was one of my daughters, and now Addy. I was as used to it as a man who hated tears could get. "What happened?" I demanded. I needed to know if these tears were over the death of her father, or her own pain.

"That cunt who owns the dance school came here. Accused Addy of a bunch of bull shit and said she and Sissy were fired." Nightmare clenched and unclenched his fists. I could tell that he had struggled not to hit the dumb old broad. "Addy couldn't defend herself or tell the old hag what had really happened, so she just sat there and listened to the dumb bitch flap her gums."

My poor girl clutched at me with her right hand and wiped her face on my shirt. "Fuck." I responded and Nightmare smiled.

"That's exactly what I said." He patted me on the back before leaving the room, presumably to smoke a cigarette and calm himself down.

"What will I do?" I heard her moan, face still pressed to my pec.

"We will figure it out. Don't worry about that right now baby." I rubbed her back and rocked her in my arms. "We can figure everything else out later. All that matters right now is that you are safe, and you are going to get better." She calmed down a bit and nodded her understanding. Eventually her crying stopped, and she just gave an occasional sniffle before drifting off to sleep.

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