chapter 6

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I couldn't believe how this day had gone. I had woken up thinking I was going to get a second job doing the one thing I dreaded more than laundry day, stripping. And now I was following behind Mr. Kingston on his motorcycle back to his house to become a nanny. Life had a really weird way of working out sometimes.

I was surprised when we pulled up to a respectable two-story ranch style house with an attached garage. Wasn't exactly the kind of house I would have expected a bad ass sexy biker to own. Didn't know what I had been expecting, but it wasn't that. He parked his bike in the garage, I parked my old junker in the driveway next to a different bike. Still wearing his tee shirt that fit me more like a dress, I watched his muscles ripple as he dismounted from his bike and almost had to wipe away some drool.

I was going to be living in his house, taking care of his kids, and drooling over every glimpse I got of him. He'd gotten hard when he'd watch me dance up on that pole. But he hadn't been happy about it. Intellectually I know he was too old for me. I was only three years older than his oldest daughter. I was a shameless slut for lusting after the man, but damn if he wasn't the sexiest man I had ever seen.

I jumped when he pulled me out of my daydream about reaching out and touching that tattoo at the base of his throat by tapping on my car window. "Sorry,' I muttered as I climbed out. "I'm dead tired." he nodded and motioned with one hand for me to follow him. There was another big biker guy spread out on the couch when we got inside.

"Addy, this is my brother Demon. Demon this is Adelaide, she's gonna be staying here to help me out for a while. Until further notice she is property of the bastards."The big man stood up and I held my hand out to shake his. But he ignored it and pulled me in for a hug. "Welcome to the family little sister." he grumbled in my ear. I patted him on his big shoulder, and he stepped away. "You good for the night or do I need to stay?" he asked Mr. Kingston who dismissed him with a fist bump.

"Come this way." He led me down a hall to a huge bedroom with a master bathroom. "I'll take the couch tonight, you can take my bed. The housekeeper was here today, so the sheets are clean. We can explain to the girls tomorrow and ill have the prospects come turn the den into a bedroom for you."

"Oh, Mr. Kingston I don't think..." I started to protest but he cut me off.

"Please, call me King. I sure as fuck have never been a mister. You could call me Jace if you have to, but I prefer King." I nodded understanding. Of course he preferred to be called king. I'd have called him a God if I was more forward. "You can use the shower and wear one of my clean shirts to bed. I don't have any girly smelling soaps, but there is an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet. After the guys get your room setup, we can get your shit out of the car and buy you whatever else you need. Ok?"

"You don't have to buy me anything, really. And I would feel bad if I took your bed. You are really tall; I don't think you'll even fit on that couch." I laughed.

"It's not every day that I get the chance to be a good guy. I'm not really a good man. Let me play the hero tonight and give you a warm bed to sleep in, ok?" my mouth went dry, and I nodded. He wanted to be my hero? I wanted to tell him he already was, but I couldn't speak around the lump in my throat. "You go wash that itchy glitter off and I'll make you something to eat. I'm no Gordon Ramsey but I can make grilled cheese and heat up tomato soup if that sounds ok to you." Oh God! He remembered not only that I was starving, but that I had complained about the stupid irritating glitter.

All I could manage to squeak out was a polite "thank you."

I don't have any memory of eating the food King had prepared for me or falling into his bed and passing out from utter exhaustion. The next thing i knew I woke up feeling warm, safe, and refreshed, which was not normal for me. The smell of bacon was nudging at my nose, but I turned over and buried my face into the pillow. Because it smelled like HIM. King! The man who had taken me in like a little lost kitten. I knew he probably saw me as a little kid. Just another girl to take care of, like one of his daughters. But, oh boy, did I have a huge mega crush on that man.

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