chapter 26

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"You heard her Bee. don't disappoint this club again.'' I said, making sure my voice sounded deep and authoritative when I wanted to laugh and grin like a fool. Leave it to Addy to be mature and thoughtful in her rebuke of the other woman. I had half expected to have to pry Addy off Bee after a knock down hair pulling fight, like the teenager she is. Instead, she spoke with compassion and authority.

Bee huffed and stamped her foot, behaving more like a spoiled teen than Adelaide probably ever had. She turned and stomped off towards the room that was generously allotted to her at the hotel while she provided the service that she was there for. I hoped this would be the end of our problems with her, judging by the glare she aimed towards Addy and myself before she slammed her door I didn't think it was.

Conversation had returned to normal. Someone had started the music back up, and everyone seemed to go back to what they were doing. When I looked back to my girl she was standing there, arms hanging limply at her sides. She was equal parts proud and terrified. I chuckled, "come her baby." Addy moved to me and wrapped her little rms around my waist, burying her pretty face in my chest. I bent to return the embrace and bury mt face in her main of hair "That was the hottest fucking thing i have ever witnessed.'' I whispered into her ear. I felt her laughter vibrate against my chest.

"I was so scared." she admitted. "I'm still shaking."

"That's the adrenalin." I confirmed.

She pulled back a bit and looked up, the soft gentle smile on her sweet lips contrasted with the heat blazing from those whiskey in sunlight eyes. She almost brought me to my knees with what she said next. "King, will you take me to bed?" I knew exactly what she was asking, and it wasn't if I wanted to take a nap.

"You sure?" she had said she wasn't ready for sex. She wanted dates and romance, to get to know me better and spend time getting used to being the queen to a biker MC president. I was prepared to wait years if she needed it. I had meant to take her on some very fancy and romantic dates and seduce her properly before i even asked her about becoming my old lady. The fucking Black Alloys had forced my hand on that one. I didn't want Addy to feel rushed or forced into being with me. I didn't want to be the creepy old man who prayed on the scared and lone teen age girl.

Addy pushed up on her tippy toes until her soft lush lips were only a hair away from my own and whispered, "i want you, Jace Kingston." she then pressed her mouth to mine. Her kiss was gentile and sweet. I'm held onto her a little tighter and lifted her off her feet to bring her up to my level and deepen the kiss. Addy didn't need any directions to wrap those long sexy dancer's legs around my waist. She reached up and buried her hands in my hair, demanding more from our kiss.

Somewhere behind me one of my brothers made a celebratory whooping noise and another voice shouted, "way to go King!" normally none of that would have bothered me. We were bikers, a bunch of horny men who would absolutely be excited for one of our own getting his hands on a beauty like Addy. but I knew she would be embarrassed. She pulled back from our kiss and pushed her flaming red face into the crook of my neck. I glared at my men and the got the message loud and clear 'shut the fuck up'. Addy squirmed in my arms, trying to get me to let her down. I move one hand under her ass to hold her there and started walking towards the hall. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

"My woman asked me to take her to bed. Did you change your mind?" I cocked an eyebrow at her in question. Her beautiful face turned red again, but she shook her head. She wasn't going to let our biker family embarrass her enough to back out. If anything, the determination in her expression intensified. She had stood up to the Bee and ensured that the crown on her head was firmly in place. For her this was the last step in cementing her ownership of me. What better way to claim her man than to have him carry her away for all to see? Everyone there would know exactly what we were going to do.

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