chapter 22

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By the time I made it inside all three girls had been revived. They were refusing to go to the hospital and didn't want to speak to the police. Superman and Cat had wrapped them in blankets, and they were huddled together on the couch in my office. When I walked in, all three looked up at me as if I were a savior coming to rescue them. It made sense that strippers that worked in a club owned by an outlaw MC would be happier to see me than the police. "None of them will comp to having taken the drugs themselves." a short pudgy cop told officer Mario who was standing beside me.

"They expect us to believe that all three were drugged?" He raised his eyebrows to show his disbelief.

"Who would bother to drug a stripper? They are a dime a dozen and it's easy enough to get one to go home with you. Just gotta flash enough cash, no roofie required." a younger cop told his boss.

"Are you admitting to paying for sex while on duty, officer?" Superman growled.

The young guy's eyes darted from Supe to his boss. He raised his hands and took a step back. "Just repeating what I've been told by guys we've arrested. Never done anything like that myself." he backpedaled.

"Our club is not a front for prostitution." Superman growled. "Our girls are dancers, not whores. Transactions like the one you just described are strictly prohibited, the girls have signed contracts. Any man who gets caught trying to pull that shit in our club is escorted out and not allowed back in." he told the cops. He conveniently left out the part where we beat the piss out of them.

"Officers, if the girls are refusing to give a statement or go to the hospital, I believe your business here is done. We thank you for your concern. My men and I will make sure the ladies are taken care of." The cops grumbled and complained but eventually made their way out of the club.I crouched down in front of the couch to get at eye level. "Be honest with me here girls. Did any of you buy those drugs and take them willingly?" all three shook their heads, no. "I understand that these drugs mess with your memory. Do either of you have any idea who, how, or why the three of you ended up almost dead in the back alley?"

"We were taking a smoking break." a blond with huge tits spoke up. "There is usually a guy out there, to protect us. So none of us thought it was strange when the man back there started talking to us, we thought he was one of you."

"Yeah," the girl in the red wig chimed in. "He was wearing one of those vests that you guys all have." she pulled a hand out from under her blanket and motioned towards my cut. "But the patches on the back were different from yours. The skull wasn't on fire, it was melting." I looked up and locked eyes with Supe, he nodded. It was the same patch the other victims had described.

"He offered us bottles of water, which was a little weird. None of the other bouncers ever give us drinks or anything." the blond said. "That guy the other night wouldn't even let me bum a smoke." she was glaring at Demon who scoffed. Demon hated that he couldn't quit smoking. He refused to put a cigarette in the hands of another person. Instead, he usually told them they needed to quit and then felt like a hypocrite.

"Do you remember what he looked like?" I asked.

Blondie spoke up again. "He was young, kinda cute. Had shaggy blond hair. The name patch on his chest said Cali." demon and I locked eyes. It wasn't a coincidence that all of the victims had described the same young blond guy in a cut. This had to be the Black Alloys, whoever the fuck they were.

"Get the prospects to bring the girls home and send out the call. Church, ASAP. The only exceptions are the prospects who are guarding the families."

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