chapter 18

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My head snapped up and I lashed her with my eyes. "Explain!" I demanded. "You just said that you aren't afraid of me. That I have never hurt you."

Addy shrunk back into the couch cushions as far as she could. Her hands fidgeted with the hem of my shirt around her knees. For a few moments she was silent, and I thought she was about to cry. Then, in a voice so soft I almost didn't hear, she said, "I don't believe you would ever hurt me... physically."

I froze. She was speaking about the hurt a man like me could cause a girl like her, emotionally. I felt the earth tilt and the universe shifted. The gravity that once held me to this earth changed. In that one vulnerable moment, when a young girl admitted to me that she wanted to hand me her heart but was afraid that I would crush it into a million pieces with my big clumsy hands, I became tethered to her.

I moved, grabbing her hands with one of mine, to still them from playing with a loose string in my shirt. I cupped her cheek with my other and tipped her face up to look at me. "I won't hurt you that way either baby."

Tears glittered in her big brown eyes. She looked up at me and I could see the hope battling with the fear. "How can I believe that? You claimed me without even asking or giving me your patch. And look where we are! You practically kidnapped me tonight. Took me out into the middle of the woods so I couldn't run away from you. You want to just take control of my entire life and force me to do what YOU want"

"You don't even know how wrong you are. I'm pretty sure the stunt you pulled tonight was proof that I couldn't forcibly bend you to my will, even if that was what I wanted." I gave her a little half smile. "I have a patch for you on order, it just hasn't come in yet. I was hoping to take you out to dinner and discuss our relationship last night, but with what happened on your birthday I had to do what I did to protect you and didn't have the time or opportunity to do that.

"And we aren't out in the middle of the woods. We are only about a fifteen minute walk, straight down the road, from town and about a twenty minute drive from home. I didn't take you here so you would be trapped. The girls are home tonight, the prospect is watching them. I didn't want to have this discussion with you where they could hear. NIghtmare offered his place instead of taking you back to the compound where all the bastards would be pressed up against the door eavesdropping."

"Oh." was all she said. Just one little sound. Her eyes bore into mine, searching for something deep inside mine. "I... you...I just thought... You treat me like a kid." she stuttered.

"You are a kid sweetheart." she tried to pull back from me. "I wanted you the fucking moment I saw these delicate little hands appear through that window in the office of that cursed dance school." I squeezed her hands for emphasis.

"My hands?"

"I'm a big man baby doll. Your hands are so small and delicate. While you were worried about birth certificates and paperwork, I was imagining what those hands would look like wrapped around my cock." her eyebrows slammed down in a frown.

"You didn't seem too interested at the peach."

"You have no fucking idea how interested i was. I know you saw my hard on, you looked right at it. I was practically busting out of my fucking pants." she blushed, such a pretty shade of pink on her cheeks.

She tried to shake her head, but it was difficult with my hand still cupping her jaw. "No, if you wanted me, you would have done something. I've been in your house for weeks. You haven't even so much as winked at me."

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