chapter 3

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I noted the difference in the way each girl got ready to leave. Addy carefully removed the weird dance shoes, wrapped them up and put them in a special pocket in her bag. The other girl, Sissy, just pulled hers off and tossed them haphazardly on her bag as if they were not expensive. I knew for a fact that those stupid dance shoes cost an arm and a leg, I'd been paying for my girls for years.

Addy said she had a job interview for something that would be 'night shift'. Considering how much I was paying per child to attend this dance school one would think they paid their teachers a decent amount. But when I followed the girls out to their cars, I was dumbstruck. Addy was clearly living in her almost twenty-year-old car!

"Maybe with a second job you can finally afford a decent place to live." Narcissa bumped her hip against Addy's death trap of a car. I frowned at the little blond. She was clearly trying to make her so-called friend look bad in front of me. She didn't realize that it just made her look like a huge cunt.

Adelaide shrugged and put her bag on the passenger seat and shrugged. "I'd settle for being able to afford a full tank of gas and more than one hot meal a day. Anyway, I've got things to do and places to be. Have a nice night Mr. Kingston." She got into her driver's seat and pulled away before I could even formulate a complete thought.

I was left standing in the parking lot with Sissy who smiled at me in an attempt to look sultry. "How old are you?" I demanded.

She blinked at me before answering, "I'm nineteen, will be twenty in a few months." she purred. I'm sure she thought that being so young was a turn on to me. I had boots older than her. "How old is she?" I lifted my chin in the direction that Adelaide had just disappeared.

"Addy is about to turn nineteen. We're having a party for her at that biker bar in town, Whiskey tango foxtrot. Ever been?"

I let out a laugh, "I own it." I told her. Her eyes went big and round. "You girl been using fake IDs to drink at my fucking bar?" she didn't even try to deny it. She just nodded. "Fuck." I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"You're gonna tell the door guy not to let us in anymore, aren't you?" She looked disappointed. That's exactly what I should have done. The club didn't need the trouble of getting caught serving underage kids. But if those two were gonna drink, I wanted them where my brothers and I could keep an eye on them. If I banned them from my bar, they would just go somewhere else, somewhere less safe.

"Nah kid, I'm not gonna ban you." she smiled and tried to press herself against me. I pushed her away, knowing I would regret what I was about to do. "Want you to do me a favor."

"Anything." she breathed.

"Give me Adelaide's number and pass my number along to her." Sissy pouted.

"Why her? Addy is stuck up, she doesn't date anyone, and she hates motorcycles.'' That was interesting news. Most girls were more than interested in bikes and bikers. Especially jailbait like those two.

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