chapter 12

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I did not want to open my eyes. My body felt so strange, all hot and needy, I thought it might explode. The room might have been spinning, or I was spinning. Maybe I was stuck in one of those nightmares where I was doing an endless Pirouette while on stage naked. I tried to stop the spinning, I put my right leg out to catch myself and the pain from that one movement caused me to let out an involuntary groan. I must have landed on my bad hip when i fell."Adelaide?" a deep voice called from beside me. I knew instantly who that voice belonged to, and I knew he was going to be pissed. I couldn't remember everything. But I remembered enough to know I had gotten myself roofied. "Addy, open your eyes." I shook my head and immediately regretted it.

"Baby," king didn't sound angry with me, he sounded scared. "You have to open your eyes for me. I need to know you are going to be ok." I felt the rough calluses on his fingers as he brushed them over my brow and down my cheeks. It felt so nice, I leaned my face into his touch, and he cradled it in his big palms.

I was so distracted by his gentle touch that I almost missed the fact that Jace Kingston had just called ME "baby." I opened my eyes and looked directly into his green gaze. "Am I dead?" I asked in a horse whisper.

"Not dead baby, not by a long shot." He leaned over and pressed his lips to my forehead and my heart skipped a beat. I must have stopped breathing too because he chuckled and told me to take a breath. I was having a hard time believing I hadn't died and gone to heaven, because that was the only way I would believe I was in bed with King.

"King." I groaned his name and squirmed in the bed beside him. I had felt horny before. Every time I looked at him for example. This was different. I was a string pulled tight that one touch would fray my control. And I needed that touch so bad.

"What the matter, kid?" He looked so worried, watching me thrash about on the bed trying to find some relief.

"I...I need..." I couldn't finish the sentence because I wasn't sure exactly what I needed. I had tried the whole masturbation thing once or twice, but I must have been doing it wrong because I had just felt awkward and uncomfortable. I needed that explosive release they described in romance novels when the characters orgasmed. But I didn't know how to achieve that. If I had felt weird touching myself alone in my bed, there was no way I would do it with King there to witness.

"Shhh." he ran a finger up and down my face in a soothing caress that was so amazing, but not enough.

"I can't. I have to..." I tried to move away from him. To get somewhere that I could at least try to get some relief from the storm of lust that was still building up in my body.

"It's ok." he said in that deep purring growl. "Cat warned me this might happen. You're horny?"

"Oh god!" I cried out and tried to turn away from him. It was so embarrassing for him to know what was wrong.

He pulled me back towards him and kept touching me with those sexy hands. "Do you want me to help? Do you want me to make it better?" I wanted that more than anything in the world. I wanted his touch, his kiss, and his cock. All I managed was a nod.

King pushed me onto my back, I felt his hand move down over my belly to my thigh. He pulls the shirt I was wearing up to expose my hair covered mound. I was embarrassed for a moment. I usually shaved it bare, especially when I was stripping. I hadn't shaved since that night at the peach. i wasn't expecting anyone to see it, never mind touch it. The hair didn't seem to bother King at all. He petted me there like it really was a cat that would purr if he stroked it just right.

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