chapter 2

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It was fucking weird to be bringing three little girls into a MC compound. It was even stranger that my brothers didn't bat an eye. The five big guys who had been hanging around drinking, smoking, and playing pool put away their drinks and stubbed out their smokes.

"There are our girls!" My brother and Sergeant at arms opened his arms and the two younger girls ran to him.

"Uncle demon!" They coursed and hugged him.

"Hey." Was all Nova said with a little wave.

"Too old to give your old Uncle a hug?" He asked. She nodded and then walked over to one of the sofas to flop down and play on her phone.

"Teenagers." I rolled my eyes. Demon let my two younger daughters go and pointed to the corner of the room where my club brothers had set up a table with coloring books and crayons. Someone had turned off the music and sponge Bob was laughing on the big TV that we usually watched football on.

A tall thin man, Cat, patted Celeste's blond curls before walking over to me. He got his name not because of his slow prowling walk but because his singing voice sounded like a cat yowling in heat. "Church?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Not tonight. I got too much shit to do. Any of you know anything about ballet?" The group of big leather clad bikers shook their heads. What the fuck would any of us know about little girls and dance class.

"We could probably hire some at the club if that's the kind of direction you're thinking."  Nightmare suggested, talking about the strip club we'd just purchased.

"Not what I'm talking about. But it's not a bad idea. That dance school down the street turns their girls out when they turn 18. If we're smart, we can scoop em' up. Probably wouldn't take much training to get them from prim and proper to strippers." I chuckled.

"How do you know so much about the ballet school?" Nightmare demanded.

"I gotta fucking bring the girls there four times a week now." I sighed.

"ouch." Superman winced.

"Yup. So, let's go over these books quick because I have to go find some papers and shit to finish singing the girls up for this crap." I spent the next few hours reviewing the finance papers and other boring shit that is involved with owning any business. Even the ones that skirt just under the law have an entire side of boring accounting shit and people who have to take care of inventory and accounting.. The prospects kept their eyes on my girls while I was busy. The two little ones were easy enough to entertain. Even at twelve Starr wasn't too old to giggle at piggy backs and be distracted with sweet treats and cartoons. But teenage Nova complained every fifteen minutes that she was bored. "Why can't I just hang out at the dance studio?" she whined. "Addy would have let me stay."

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I couldn't just leave my kid at that place for hours and expect a stranger to watch her. But she didn't get that, because she thought that at fifteen, she was old enough to watch herself. Not to mention how blissfully unaware my kids were of the dangers my job as the president of a barely legal MC was. If they weren't at school they would have to have at least one brother with them at all times, making sure they were safe.

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