chapter 13

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It was really hard to face King when I finally woke up enough to remember all that had happened the night before. I tried to sneak out of his room and into mine. But he was standing at the stove in nothing but a pair of jeans. "Morning sleepy head." he called as I did my walk of shame. I eyed the wide expanse of his back. Took in how hot his ass looked in those tight jeans. Even his bare feet were sexy. I needed mental health help if I was even sexualizing his feet!

I muttered a greeting and tried to disappear into my room. Before I could shut the door he said, "I'm holding church down at the compound tonight. It's all hands on deck. You're coming with me." he wasn't asking. Which meant it would have been a waste of my limited energy to argue so I just nodded. "The girls are already gone for the night. Dinner will be ready in ten."

He hadn't given me extra time to get ready to sit across from him at the table and eat the sausages and potatoes that he had prepared. I had just enough time to brush my teeth, pull my untamed main of hair up into a bun, and put on clean clothes. I guess I didn't need a shower since King had washed me after I puked all over him. He didn't say much while we ate, but he did refill my glass of water several times and kept encouraging me to drink more.

"If I drink any more, I'll spend the entire night having to go pee." he smirked, then took our plates back to the kitchen before he sat to put his boots on. I noticed that he had cleaned them in the time since I had been forced to throw up with superman's fingers down my throat.

"We're taking my bike." he wasn't giving me any choices that evening, and he didn't seem to be in a good mood. I wasn't sure riding bitch on the back of his bike, with my arms wrapped around him and my body pressed against his, was such a good idea.

"I could just follow you in my car."  I offered.

"It's not here." I whipped my head around to look out the big window in the living room to see that my car really wasn't sitting in the driveway. I tried to remember if it had been there when I left last night, I knew I hadn't driven myself to the bar.

"What happened to my car?" I asked. King didn't answer. He tossed his big leather jacket to me and headed out the door. I swam in his big coat, but mine had been left behind at the bar. I didn't think asking King about it turning up in the lost and found was a good idea given the mood he seemed to be in.

He was already straddling his big black and chrome bike when I came over and gave it a once over. It was a thing of beauty. I had grown up with bikers and spent more time on the back of bikes than I had in a car. But it had been four years since I had been on the back of one and I had not planned on ever getting back on a bike.

King didn't look at me when he held out a helmet. I knew he didn't usually wear a helmet, but he made the girls wear one when they rode with him. Terrific, we were right back to him treating me like one of his kids. What had happened in his bed meant nothing. He was pissed that it had happened at all, that had to be the reason for his shitty mood.

Any other time I would have relished being on the back of a bike again. I knew how to ride, i had a license, but there is nothing like riding behind a big strong man that you were sexually attracted to. Given what had happened the night before, i should have been watching the corded muscles in his big strong arms flexing as he expertly controlled the bike and panting with desire. Instead, I couldn't wait for the bike to stop.

I might have only taken ten minutes to get to the compound yard, but it felt like forever. As soon as we stopped, King practically jumped off the bike and ran away from me. I took my time climbing down and removing the helmet and his jacket. Nightmare appeared behind me as if out of nowhere and wrapped me in a bear hug. "You ok?" he demanded.

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