chapter 23

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I sat alone in the conference room that we used for church. It gave us all a chuckle to use the big table that big business had used for their meetings, all sitting around in their fancy suits, never once imagining that the same table would one day be surrounded by a bunch of unruly bikers. Nightmare had spray painted the club logo on one wall. The man is one talented artist no matter the medium. My own body has more than one of his pieces permanently inked onto it.

He and I had been friends for a long time. We knew each other's deepest secrets. He knew all about Sammy and Celeste. And I knew about his failed marriage and his refusal to sign the divorce papers. He came into the room as I got off the phone with Addy and gave me a big smile. "How's our girl Prez?"

"Our girl my ass." I grumble. He just smirked and took his seat at the table while the other guys filed in. I both appreciate and resent their friendship. Addy needs friends that she can actually trust to talk to, Jackson is a good man. But I want her to talk to me and lean on me too.

Before I could even call the meeting to order, Demon leaned forward and slapped his hand onto the table in front of me, leaving a crumpled piece of paper there for me. In messy handwriting that I could hardly decipher it read "surrender the terf or the next bitch dies". It was signed "black alloy club". I wasn't surprised that it was those assholes. Every victim who could remember anything had described their stupid fucking melting skull logo.

I heaved an exhausted sigh and looked around the faces of my brothers. "Poindexter, can you find their clubhouse?" I demanded of the young kid who could do some seriously impressive shit with computers and his smart phone.

The kid looks dejected. "They don't have a social media presence, which makes sense. There isn't anything listed anywhere with their club's stupid freakin' name. If we knew the legal name of their prez, I might be able to find the deer or lease for any property he owns and locate them that way." he shook his head. "I'm running an image search using their logo. Hopeful some bitch or club whore has taken a fucking selfie with of one of them in their cut. If I can get a clear shot of his face I can run facial recognition software and we can hunt the bastard down and track him back to their club house."

Nightmare slapped the kid on his back. "Nice thinking prospect. You help us find these dicks and I'll vote to patch you in on the spot." he told the kid. A few of the other guys nodded and grumbled their agreement. The kid's skills made him indispensable. He has been working hard to prove his worth and his loyalty to the club for almost a year. I didn't have any doubt that we would be having a vote and welcoming him in officially real soon.

"Do we have any clues about who they are planning on attacking next?" Cowboy asked, looking incredibly nervous. "They have gone after the strippers twice now; it might be safe to assume they would try pulling that shit again. We should bump up security at the club." Superman suggests. "We don't have enough prospects or members that we can afford to pull from other jobs to work security. I've got a few of my guys from MC security coming off an assignment in the next few days. I can put them on this for as long as we need them." not all of the people who work for the security company are members of our club. He's right, we only have about thirty members, and we all work for one of the club's businesses in one capacity or another. We can't neglect all of our other shit just to deal with security.

"Let's not forget they also went after Addy." Cowboy said, as if I could ever forget. "It stands to reason they won't hesitate to go after our families if they get the opportunity. I can't leave my six children and pregnant wife vulnerable." I understood where he was coming from. Even with two prospects guarding Addy and my girls, I was nervous as fuck being away from them."We don't have enough guys to have someone following every wife, girlfriend, old lady, and kid around." Supe runs his hands through his short blond hair in frustration. His road name wasn't chosen only because he happened to have the last name Kent. Bennett Kent had a superman complex if I ever saw one, the man was determined to save the damned world. Not being able to keep all of the people he cared about safe was killing him.

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