chapter 24

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Lock down wasn't so bad, it was more like an extended stay at a motel. I had spent the last week sharing a room in the motel with the girls. Every day the old ladies, club girls, and even the strippers from the club worked together to cook meals for the mass of people staying there. It was a little awkward for the old ladies to interact with the club bunnies in more than just passing. We all knew that these women had probably performed sexual favors for the men of the club and would do it again if the men asked, whether they had a woman or not.

I avoided them like they had the plague. I was well acquainted with the kind of women who hung around MCs. they had their own hierarchy, usually the leader was the Prez's favorite bed mate. I spotted her from a mile away the moment I entered the hotel for the lock down with King leading me in and the girls following behind us. They called her Bee, as in queen bee. She was beautiful. her long, straight blond hair hung down to her waist. Her long thin legs were clad in skintight leather pants that gleamed in the neon lights from the bar. She had huge round tits that pushed the limits of her shirt until I was afraid the fabric might rip apart at the seams if she took a deep breath. She was clearly in her early thirties, an experienced woman... not a too young virgin like me.

In the afternoons the families spent time at the indoor pool. We splashed and played in the water with the kids, hoping to keep them from feeling the tension from being stuck in the motel for an indefinite amount of time. The little ones seemed to be enjoying themselves. Celeste was having the time of her life playing with some of Cowboy's younger children. Nova got along well with Cowboy's seventeen-year-old son, Jr. The boy was clearly interested in her but had been scared off by King. Starr was enamored of the much older boy. Nova huffed and tried to shoo her sister away, but Jr. didn't seem to mind letting her hang around with them. He must have been used to having all of his younger siblings around.

"King is worried about the wrong sister when it comes to Jr." Cowboy's wife told me with a wink. Her name was Charlotte, and she was magnificent. A true classic beauty who had clearly been raised in a rich household with manners and class. Cowboy liked to call her Lottie, and he loved to muss her perfect hair and leave his mark on her long, graceful neck. I looked over to see that Starr had reached out and laced her fingers through Jr.'s, the boy didn't try to pull away. He just continued his conversation with his younger brother and Nova.

"Oh no." I groaned. "She is boy crazy." I complained. Not that I couldn't understand Starr's interest in an older man, I just wasn't sure how her father would react.

"Don't you worry, I had a talk with my boy. He knows she has a crush on him and he doesn't want to break her little heart by pushing her away. Seems to think that she will outgrow her obsession with him if he just gives it time." She looked at her oldest son with so much pride and love in her eyes. "He's going to be a good man one day, just like his daddy."

We were so engrossed in our conversation we didn't notice Celeste and Amelia (Lottie's six year old daughter) creeping up on us with a bucket full of water until it was too late. The pair of little imps giggled right before they tossed the cold water on us. We were laughing and wiping the water from our faces when the men entered the pool room, followed closely by Bee and a few of the bunnies. They looked like goddesses with their faces full of makeup and their boobs overflowing from their barely there bikinis. Meanwhile I was sitting on my chair looking like a drowned rat.

King didn't acknowledge me. He stopped mid stride, his eyes zeroing in on Starr's little hand still holding Jr's. Cowboy didn't seem bothered by the look of fury on his friend's face directed at his oldest son. He had eyes only for his soaking wet wife. He bent down and took her mouth in a kiss so passionate that I turned away to give them privacy. Only to see that Bee had taken up the lounge chair beside me. The smile she flashed me could be described as nothing other than predatory.

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