chapter 14

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I shoved my phone into my pocket as soon as King came striding into the room. I looked like I was guilty of something, or trying to hide it, but he wasn't looking at me anyway. He was talking to Cat. their heads were bent together and neither man looked happy. As they parted King slapped Cat on the shoulder and thanked him.

I couldn't take my eyes off King as he prowled across the room towards me. The king of the jungle taking a leisurely stroll through his kingdom. "Come with me." another command that he expected me to follow. He didn't hold out a hand to help me up like he usually did or even wait to see if i was going to obey. He just walked out the door leaving me to trail behind him.

He led me over to the MC's garage where he spent most of his days as the head mechanic. He did a lot of other things, from what I gathered his favorite thing to do was work on cars and bikes. Nightmare told me that King had built his bike from scratch, even painted it himself. It was a nice bike. I didn't ask him why we were going into the auto shop after hours, just followed along like a good little bitch.

It was dark inside and I walked right into his back when he stopped. "Stay right here," he said. It only took a moment for the lights to flicker to life. I squinted and let my eyes adjust to the light. Then I rubbed my eyes when I saw what I was standing in front of... my car. Only it was nice. I looked up at King questioningly. he didn't say a word, just gestured toward the car.

I walked around it, kind of in shock. The last time I had seen my car it had been a pile of junk, a few miles short of breaking down. It had been painted pink, of all colors, and there was some pretty black scroll work swirling down the hood and along the sides. I noticed how far the windows had been tinted, real dark. I made it to the back bumper and had to catch my breath because the words written on the back window stole the air from my lungs.

Property of King

Furious bastard MC

When I finally looked up into his swirling green eyes he smiled and said, "happy birthday." There were tears in my eyes and the lump in my throat made me physically incapable of speaking. Before I could swallow it down and say thank you the doors to the garage burst open and the place was flooded with bastards.

"I thought you were gonna wait for us!" Nightmare yelled at King. "What do you think of my paint job? I did it myself." he asked while snaking his arm around my shoulders and pulling me in. "bad ass right?"

"I thought you worked at the tattoo parlor?" it came out as a question.

"I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. I do it all babe." he shook me.

"We all did some work on it." Cowboy lifted the hood. "Take a look at the inside work, that's what really counts. Me n' King spent hours rebuilding her. Ain't she a beaut?" I had no idea what I was looking at, but there was a lot of shiny new metal where it had been a rusted heap of broken parts before.

"Why?" I managed to croak.

"Can't have the president's old lady driving around in a death trap. Not while we own the best fucking shop in town." Demon told me. "I did the tint." he winked. I tried to smile at them as the guys described all of the work they had put into my car. It was a lot to take in. The car was amazing, the best gift anyone had ever given me. But I was still trying to wrap my head around being King's old lady.

I looked up from the car and my eyes went straight to him. He was talking to Nightmare about something, and he didn't look happy. Nightmare noticed me first. He cut the conversation short and came over to give me one of his devastatingly handsome smiles. "That's one grouchy old man you got." he told me, rubbing the back of his neck. "Was gonna offer to give you some ink for your birthday. He threatened my manhood for suggesting it."

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