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Cody's Pov-

I wandered the halls, looking desperately for room 203.  I picked up my pace whenever the bell rang, and the halls started to clear. I ran my eyes up and down the placards outside of classroom doors. After a while of searching, I finally found the room. The placard on the wall read, "Room 203, Miss Smith." I opened the door right as the teacher was beginning the lesson.

"Oh hello!" The teacher called to me from across the room. "I'm Miss Smith. Class, this is our new student. Everyone welcome Cody!"

Everyone in the classroom turned their eyes to me, not saying anything. Just staring at me as if I was on display.

I awkwardly waved at the class. A few people let out small smiles, other people didn't even bother to look at me.

"Why don't you sit down at any open seat, Cody." Miss Smith suggested. There were only two open seats. One in the front of the class, and another in the back. The girl in the seat next to the one in the front sat her textbook and notebook right in the seat. She sneered at me, forcing me to relocate to the seat in the back.

It was a row with only two desks, right next to a window. The blinds were open on the window, and sunlight spilled onto the two desks. There was already a person sitting at the desk farthest from the window, so I took the one text to it.  He was reading a book, not paying attention to anything around him.

I sat my stuff down on the desk before turning to him.

"Hi," I greeted him. "I'm Cody."

The boy glared at me for a moment before placing his book down. He ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbled something on it before folding it and handing it to me.

I unfolded the paper to see its contents.


I waved again at him, yet Noah sighed and raised his hand.

"Miss Smith?" Noah complained. "This kid is distracting me. Does he have to sit here?"

Miss Smith scoffed, "Noah, can you not be such a baby for once?"

Noah threw his head back. "Fine." He shot me a dirty look before turning his attention directly back to his book. He looked at me one more time before snatching the note wearing his name from my desk.

"Alright class, turn your books to page fourteen."

A chorus of groans erupted from the others around me. I opened the large textbook to page fourteen and began to read the information listed in massive paragraphs. I was so focused in the reading I didn't notice the slip of paper that was placed in front of me.

"Don't talk to me ever again." The paper read. And at the bottom, was a small signature, barely visible.


Noah's Pov-

I was relieved when the bell finally rang. I gathered up my belongings as fast as I could and left the classroom in a flash. I stopped at my locker to put in my textbook before walking home. I was halfway done putting in my combination when the locker next to me slammed into my arm. I stumbled to the side, then scowled at the person.

"What's your deal?!" I snapped before a small head of fluffy brown hair popped out from behind the locker door.

"Sorry- oh."

Cody was staring at me wide-eyed from behind his locker.

"Did we seriously have to have lockers right next to each other." I hissed. Cody just looked me up and down before I snapped my fingers in his face.

"Hello?!" I exclaimed. "Are you there?"

"Oh, yeah," Cody said, turning back to his locker.

"You are so confusing." I sighed, shutting my locker and heading for the main doors. I was barely a few feet away when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What do you want now?!" I yelled turning to face Cody.

Cody handed me a small slip of paper before speeding in front of me and out of the building. Another stupid note, just like the ones we'd been passing in class. But this one was different. Plastered upon its crumpled surface read a phone number and a small note at the bottom.

"Friends? :)"

{ Time Skip }

I placed Cody's note on my desk before falling into my bed and staring at the ceiling. I wasn't going to put his stupid number in my phone. Cody was probably the most annoying person I've ever met. His stupid voice, his stupid gap-toothed smile made me want to punch the wall.

My thoughts were begging me to grab the crumpled piece of notebook paper and type the number under "New Contact" in my messages, but I refused.

But my compulsive thoughts won, as I soon found myself typing the phone number into my messages.

Chat: Cody Anderson
Me: Hi Cody, this is Noah.

Cody Anderson: oh hi noah! :D

Me: Do you ever use proper grammar in your texts?

Cody Anderson: no :>

Me: Can you stop using those stupid little emoji things?

Cody Anderson: Never >:D

Me: Oh my god...

And before I knew it we had been texting for hours. After I told him I had to go, he told me good night ... a little weird if you ask me but I didn't mind. I turned my phone off for the night and stared at the ceiling some more. I needed to get my thoughts straight after everything that had happened. There were a lot of things I will never admit to in life. But one of the all time biggest ones just came into my head today. Cody Anderson is not cute.

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