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Cody's Pov -

I hadn't really been able to sleep the past few nights. All I could really think about was my mom, even though she didn't really care about me. I just wondered how she would feel when she got home to her husband in jail and her son living with his boyfriend. I knew she still respected me as a person, yet she just forgets I'm even there.

I should probably just forget about my parents anyway. They're the whole reason everything has went wrong in my life, why even bother asking if they're okay.

"Cody, you okay?"

I looked up at Noah and Courtney. They were just staring at me, looking extremely concerned.


"You weren't answering us," Courtney said.

"Uh, ok? I was just thinking about ... things." I responded.

Noah gave me a weird look. "You just seem ... off."

"I promise, I'm fine." I lied. They just shrugged and returned to what they were doing. Soon, lunch was over, and I had to go to band.

After an hour of sitting through people playing their instruments off-key, it was finally time to go to history. I didn't run like I usually did, I just walked fast. I wasn't really in the mood to run, even though I was likely to be late.

Even though I walked, I was still the first to class. It was deserted. I walked to my desk and sat down, waiting for Noah. When he arrived, we did our usually history routine. Not paying attention to the teacher, talking the whole time, then getting yelled at for not paying attention. We never listened to her anyway, she's kind of a bitch. Finally, the bell rang, signaling the class had ended.

"Ok, no homework tonight." She said. "Noah and Cody, meet me after class."

"Shit." I whispered.

After everyone else had flooded out of the classroom, Noah and I walked up to the teacher's desk.

"You wanted to talk to us?" Noah questioned.

"Yes, I did." Miss Smith answered. "I just had some questions for you two."

"Uh, ok."

"Is everything alright outside of school? You two miss a lot of school and when you do actually come, you always have some sort of injury."

Noah and I looked at each other.

"I don't really like to talk about it," I said.

"That's fine." Miss Smith said. "I was starting to get a little worried. I just want to meet with your parents and talk about this a bit more.

"Both ... of our parents?"

"Yes,  Noah's parents, and yours Cody. I expect all of them to be here."

"That's not really going to work, miss." I tried to explain. "My parents ... uh ... well-"

"No excuses. I expect to see them."

I tried to pull Noah away, but he fucking snapped.

"I know you probably don't care about our fucking personal lives, but I'm just going to explain this now, bitch. Cody's dad is fucking abusive and is in jail right now, and who the hell knows where his mom is, she doesn't even remember he exists sometimes. So his parents can't come, and he probably doesn't even want them to." Noah flipped her off before grabbing my wrist and dragging me outside.

"Dude." I whispered. "That was fucking awesome."

"What?" Noah said. "I didn't yell at her too bad."

I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the door until I heard someone yell from behind us.

"Hey assholes."

Noah's Pov -

I turned around to see who had yelled at us. I turned around and—

"Oh, fuck."

"Who is it—oh shit."

Ben was fucking alive. And walking right towards us.

"How the hell are you alive!" I screamed.

Ben just shrugged. "Luck I guess. But I am not letting you get away with shooting me."

Without hesitation, he started running toward us. I grabbed Cody's hand and sprinted towards the door. I threw it open and ran towards my house. Ben wasn't far behind us. I tried to run faster. I heard a thumb behind me. Cody had tripped.


I ran after him, and Ben slowed his pace. He pulled a knife from his pocket and approached Cody.


I ran back towards Cody. "Ben, whatever the hell you do, don't fucking touch him."

Ben pulled Cody up by his shirt collar. "Who says I have to listen to you?"

Cody was visibly terrified, and I had no idea what to do. I ran towards him and grabbed his arm. I pulled him towards me and the knife slid across the top of his arm.

"Shit!" Cody yelled. He fell onto the ground, holding his arm. I looked up at Ben and stared at him coldly.

"What the fuck did I say."

"You think I'm gonna listen to you?" Ben smirked.

I couldn't help myself. I fucking lost it. I grabbed the knife from his hand and stuck it into his arm. I punched him across the face and shoved him to the ground. I lifted Cody off of the sidewalk and started walking home.

"Was that ... necessary?" Cody asked. "I mean, yeah my arm hurts, but, you didn't need to actually stab him."

"Cody, what he did to you wasn't that bad. He was actually going to kill you!"

"I know, just, maybe don't try to kill someone next time?" Cody suggested. "I know you love me, but murder isn't always the answer."

"You sound so stupid."

Cody looked at his feet. "Yeah. I do."

We walked home in silence, Cody looking upset the whole time. I'll admit, what I did back there was kind of, harsh . But I only wanted to protect Cody. Was I doing too much? He always gets mad at me for that, should I just quit caring for him? No! Why would I do that! I love Cody too much and seriously care about him. Was I doing too much, like he said in that argument a few weeks ago? I can't even tell anymore.

What the hell is wrong with me?

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