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Cody's Pov -

Me and Noah walked out from school, and I looked behind me.

"Cody, quit worrying. He's not just going to show up."

I stared at my feet. "I'm just scared. I don't want to get thrown on a bookshelf again."

"There are very low chances of that happening." Noah said, hoping to comfort me.

"I just don't want to go back there."

Noah wrapped his arm around me. "If he wants you back I will kick him in his tiny ass balls."


"What? I just trying to protect my boyfriend."

We kept walking until I looked over at a playground we were passing.

"Woah, a playground!" I squealed.

"What? It's just a playground." Noah stated.

"I never got to play on one as a kid," I said calmly.

"You've never been on a playground?" Noah yelled.

"No, my parents never took me because they were too busy.

"Damn, you had a bad childhood."

"It wasn't that bad."
I looked at Noah with wide eyes. "Can we go over there?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine."

I smiled wide and ran over to the playground and ran around it like a little kid. I sat down on the swings, and Noah came over and joined me. He grabbed my hand and we swung in unison. I laughed the entire time. Noah looked at me with a sweet yet sad look at the same time.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," Noah said. "I'm just glad to see you smiling again."

We continued to swing a minute before Noah dragged me under the playground equipment and into a small plastic tunnel that led to nowhere.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"I just really wanted to kiss you," Noah confessed.

"You're so cringy."

"Looks like we swapped places."

Noah pulled my face towards his and we kissed. Our lips stayed in the same place for a while, until we heard footsteps.

I looked up and saw a young girl approaching.

"Mommy? Why were the two boys kissing?"

"Shit." Noah whispered, pulling me out of the tunnel and playground equipment. We ran behind the playground and into a large patch of grass. We stumbled around for a minute until Noah's clumsy ass fell and we ended up in the grass.

We faced the clouds, still holding hands.

"This is reminding me of some cringy teen romance movie."

"But make it gay."

I let out a small laugh then Noah looked at me.

"Are you ever going home?" He asked seriously.

I sighed. "Maybe. I didn't tell you, but I got a text from my mom last night."


"Apparently her and my dad want me to come back home."

Noah gripped my hand tighter. "Cody, don't. It could be a trap-"

"I understand what you mean, but I don't want to live like this. I want to live with my family."

"The family that abused you in all ways possible."

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