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Cody's Pov -
I entered class the next day more optimistic than I was previously. I waved at Noah when I reached my seat. And he returned a small smile. NOAH SMILED. I've never seen him smile, and we've only known each other for like a day. My first week at this school and I already have a great friend. He doesn't like to consider us friends. Apparently, we're acquaintances, whatever the heck that means..

"Hey," Noah greeted me as I took a seat next to him. "You look ... manly today."

I looked down at the button up I was wearing. "This is manly?"

Noah laughed. "It looks good on you."

My face turned red and it grew hot. "Oh."

"Is that bad? I don't mean to make you upset Cody-"

"Jeez what is going on with you today?" I asked Noah. "You're being so ... weird."

Noah looked away quickly. "It's nothing!" He explained.

"Yeah, okay..." I said, sitting down at my desk. Noah picked up his book and began reading. I simply stared at him and watched him get sucked into the pages. Before long, the door was slammed, and the teacher walked in.

"Hello, class!" Miss Smith announced. "Today, we have a guest giving a speech to us about why she should be student council president ... or something. Anyway, everyone welcome Courtney Satella!"

A tall, tanned girl entered the room, holding in her hands a few notecards. Noah put down his book and smiled at her whenever she looked out direction. She waved back, smiling even wider than Noah. I gave Noah a sideways glance, but he didn't take his eyes off of Courtney. I looked embarrassed back at my textbooks. That must be his girlfriend, I thought. I won't embarrass him in front of her.

Courtney began her speech, and it seemed to drag on for hours. Even the teacher had stopped paying attention. The only one actually involved was Noah, which makes sense since Noah is her boyfriend.  Once the speech finally ended, Courtney took a bow and stepped over to us.

"Are you the new kid, Cody?" Courtney asked. "I'm Courtney. If you couldn't tell, I'm running for student council president!"

I nodded, "I know."

"You and Noah must be really good friends! He talks about you a lot." Courtney stated.

Noah's face grew red. "I don't talk about him that much. Just some stuff about him I learned."

"Riiiiight," Courtney said smoothly. "Are you two-"

"Courtney, shut up!" Noah yelled. "We're just acquaintances. Really good ones."

Me and Courtney exchanged confused glances as she turned to the door. "Well, I have to go. See you two soon!"

"Yeah," Noah laughed nervously. "You too."

He looked back at me. "I haven't been talking about you, Cody-"

"No it's fine!" I said quickly. "...It was good talk right? I mean, you didn't really like me at first."

"Cody, shut up. Quit worrying. We're friends, right?"

"Yeah!" I said excitedly. "Friends."

Maybe I don't want to be just friends, I thought.

Noah's Pov-

{ Time Skip }

School had finally ended and me and Cody were walking towards the main doors until he pulled out his phone.

"Damn it," Cody whispered. "My dad is gonna be late to get me."

"Oh," I said. "Do you want me to wait with you?"

"No, it's fine." Cody answered. "I'll be fine by myself."

"Cody, wait," I exclaimed, grabbing his arm. "I don't want you to be alone."

Cody's eyes widened. "Noah, stop being so dramatic." He looked away quickly.

"Fine, you can wait with me."

I smiled and we walked outside of the building. We walked a few feet to the side and found a tree with a massive area of shade under it.

"Should we sit here?" I asked.

"Sure," Cody replied, taking a seat on the fluffy grass. I sat down next to him, and we watched the sun set in the distance.

"When is your dad going to be here?" I asked, looking at Cody.

"About 10 minutes," Cody answered.

I nodded and looked back at the sun. I slowly moved my hand over to touch Cody's, and he didn't flinch, nor did he move his hand. And then he placed his head on my shoulder.

"You like Courtney, don't you." Cody said.

My thoughts drifted back to reality. "What?!"

"I said, you like Courtney, don't you."

I looked at Cody seriously. "Cody, why do you think I like Courtney?"

"Well, you smiled at her a lot," Cody replied. "And she waved at you and you were really nice to her and your not nice to many people!"

I grabbed Cody's face and turned it towards mine. "Cody, I'm gay!"

Cody's face went blank. "Oh."

"Damn it!" I yelled. "Why did that just spill out!"

"Its cool if you're gay," Cody said.

I got up and turned to Cody. "Is your dad almost here?"

Cody pointed to an approaching black vehicle. "That's him."

"Ok, bye." I said quickly, walking off.

"Noah, wait!" Cody called from behind me. "Text me when you're home!" I looked directly at my feet and continued to walk home.

{ Time Skip }

A few hours later, when I finally decided to check my phone, I had several messages from Cody.

Chat: Cody :)
Cody :) - noah, you ok? you haven't texted me yet

Cody :) -noah, im getting a little worried

Cody :) - 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈gay pride🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Cody :) - noah i told you it's cool if your gay i don't care


Cody :) - noah jesus christ just answer meeeeee

Cody :) - i have to go, see you tomorrow i guess

Me - Sorry Cody, I was really busy.

Me - Cody?


Cody :) - don't use my full name >:(

Cody :) - also im busy too so bye

Me - oh bye

I put my phone down and sighed. Why did I have to get so worked up over the stupidest thing?

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