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Cody's Pov -

I couldn't help but be slightly mad at Noah. He can just be really overprotective sometimes, when I clearly don't need it. Especially with the whole incident with Miss Smith. Who still at least wanted to meet with Noah's mom. I personally think it's stupid, but whatever she wants I guess. And the worst part is, Noah and I both have to sit there and listen to them just talking about us.

I didn't want Noah to go off on her like he did a few days ago either. I felt bad for Noah's mom who had to explain the situation with my family and the 'tree' incident. How she still thinks he fell from a tree, I don't know.

Noah and I waited by the door for his mom to come downstairs. She took forever to get ready.

"Sorry I took so long. Someone may have stolen my makeup." She shot a look at Noah.


We walked outside and into the car. We pulled into the road, and drove the short five minute drive to the school.

We stepped out of the car, walking inside and knocking on Miss Smith's classroom door.

"Ah, yes, you're Mrs. Sterecra, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's me." Noah's mom replied.

"Wonderful, come in and take a seat." Miss Smith stepped out of the way and gestured for us to enter the classroom. Noah's mom went and sat with the teacher, and Noah and I went back to our desks.

"I have a feeling something is gonna go wrong at this meeting." Noah said. "I can already tell."

"More yelling when someone has to talk about my parents?" I guessed.

"Pretty much."

We sat there in silence until Miss Smith's voice started to raise.

"How do you expect me to believe his parents did that to him! That's obviously fabricated!" She yelled.

I glanced over at Noah. He leaned over to me.

"Do you want to step outside?"


We sat up and walked outside into the hallway slowly, trying not to get seen by Noah's mom and Miss Smith.

We shut the door behind us, even though the sound of their argument was still flowing outside.

"Can we actually go outside?" I asked.

"If you want."

We walked towards the door and opened it. I looked over at the tree where Noah and I had sat a few days after we met. All of the leaves had fallen, leaving a patch of orange leaves under it. I didn't even ask Noah before running over to the tree and sitting down.

"This brings back memories." Noah stated. He sat down next to me, grabbing my hand. I pictured us sitting here a few months ago, when we first started liking each other. Even if it was some dumb tree outside of a school, it still meant a lot to me.

"Uh, Cody?"

"What is it?"

"We have a problem."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know who is back."

I looked down the street and saw him storming towards us.


"How the hell is he even alive!" I shouted. "He got shot, you stabbed him, what is gonna kill this bitch!"

We backed up, and Ben started walking faster.

"I will actually fucking kill you this time." Ben hissed. He pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed it directly at me.

Noah's Pov -

"Ben, what the fuck do you even want with us?!"

"Revenge, stupid."

Ben picked up his speed. I grabbed Cody's arm and dragged him across the street.

"Just let me shoot you and I'll leave you alone, okay! I won't even be able to bother you because you'll be dead."

He started walking across the street, and I saw a bus coming this way.

"Ben! There's a damn bus!"

"Quit messing with me!" He yelled. "I know there isn't a bus, your just trying to fuck with my brain so I won't shoot you!"

The bus approached fast.

"Ben, I'm serious. There's an actual-"

It all happened so fast, I couldn't even tell what I was seeing, except a lifeless arm sticking out from underneath the bus.

Cody screamed. I couldn't stop staring at the scene before me. The bus driver got out and covered his mouth at the sight. He pulled a phone from his pocket, and screamed frantically into it. There was no way Ben was alive now.

{ Time Skip }

Cody and I still watched the unfolding scene from behind the police tape. Two doctors lifted Ben onto a stretcher and I could vaguely hear two words that were said.

"He's dead."

"He's dead," I repeated to Cody. "He's actually fucking dead."

I looked up an noticed my mom running towards us.

"What happened?!" She yelled. "Are you okay!"

"Yeah, we're fine." I said. "Can we just go home now?"


I sat in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Cody entered the room.

"You good?"

I turned my head to him. "Yeah, I'm good."

Cody walked over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I mean, at least he's dead!" Cody said, attempting to lighten the mood.


I continued to look at the ceiling before Cody got up.

"I'm going to sleep."


Cody left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Cody's Pov -

I always think about my parents. Noah told me I should just forget about them, but it's not something I can just forget about. My dad tried to kill me twice, and my mom pretty much just doesn't care. Tears slowly fell from my eyes, and I started to cry. I heard footsteps in the hall. I tried to wipe my eyes, but the door was opened.


Noah was standing in the door, looking at me, concerned.

"Are you-"

"Yeah, i'm fine." I pulled my knees toward my chest. Noah walked toward me and sat next to me.

"Why are you crying?" Noah asked. "What happened?"

"I'm just thinking about my parents," I whispered. "Even though you keep trying to get me to forget about them, I just fucking can't."

"I wasn't forcing you to," Noah said. "I just said it might be easier just to forget about them."

I fell over onto his shoulder. "It's not that easy, okay?! I can't just make my life better by just up and forgetting them!"

Noah grew panicked. "I don't know what to say, I'm trying to help, but-"

"It's clearly not fucking working!"

Noah's eyes widened. He sighed and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going!" I snapped.

"My room." Noah said quickly before shutting the door. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the wall. I started crying even more and hugged my knees tightly. I rolled over, slowly falling asleep.

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