The Dance

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Cody's Pov -
I stood in my mirror awkwardly, looking at the suit I was wearing. I curled up my nose up
at my reflection, not satisfied with with what I saw. Would Noah think I was ugly? My phone buzzed.

Chat: noah pookie
noah pookie: hey gorgeous

Me: noah wth are u on

noah pookie: nothing just excited to make out with you behind the bleachers tonight ;)


noah pookie: nothing boo boo bear, cya tonight

Me: who tf gave u weed

noah pookie: no one bbg

Me: ok time to stop texting u

noah pookie: NOOOO :((

I put my phone down and stepped back over to my mirror. I took off the tuxedo jacket and tie and put it on my bed. I put on a few bracelets Noah made me, one with his initials, 'NS'.

I looked in the mirror one last time, then walked downstairs.

"Hey Cody!" My dad called, smiling at me. "Need a ride?"

"Im good, thanks." I replied. I went for the door handle, yet my dad stepped in front of me.

"You sure?" He pressed.

"Uh ... yeah." I said warily. "Can I leave now?"

He looked at me for a minute. "No."

"Dad, seriously?!" I yelled. "I'm gonna be late!"

"Who are you going with." He asked seriously.

"Why does it even matter!" I screamed.

"Answer me Cody!"


He pulled back his hand and slapped me across the face. I stumbled back, placing my hand on the stinging print he left on my cheek. I looked back at his smirking face and scowled.

"If you really want to know, I'm going with Noah."

His eyes grew wide and angry.

"I don't even want an answer. I'm going to the dance." I shoved him out of the way and stormed out of the door towards the school.

{ At the School }

I stepped through the gym doors and saw all the sparkly decorations hanging from the walls and ceiling. Everyone was dancing, and in the middle was one lonely and confused person.


I ran up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.


"Where were you?" Noah asked seriously. "You took forever."

He looked at the bruise on my face.

"What happened?!" Noah yelled. "Are you ok?!"

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