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Cody's Pov -

I felt so awkward stepping back into my house for the first time ever since the incident. I wondered if there were still bloodstains on the wooden floor in my dads office, but I didn't bother looking.

"Welcome back, Cody!" My parents greeted me. They seemed to have completely forgotten about the whole incident a few weeks earlier.

"Cody, I'm really sorry." My dad apologized. "I had been at a work dinner a bit before, and I had a lot to drink. I didn't mean to lash out on you like that, and it's totally fine if you wanna date a dude!"

They both nodded approvingly at me, and I gave an awkward smile.

"Niceeee.." I said slowly. "Now if you excuse me please, I'm going to my room. I bolted passed my parents and into my room. I jumped onto my bed for the first time in two weeks and let out a massive sigh. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. I decided to pick up my phone and update Noah on the situation.

Chat: noah <3

Me: hey, just got home. parents are being really nice for some reason 🤨

noah <3 : that's goofy tbh

Me: yeah, apparently my dad was drunk which doesn't make sense imo

Me: he didn't even seem the slightest bit intoxicated

noah <3 : nah i js think your dad is abusive

Me: congratulations, you get an award for figuring out the obvious

noah <3 : shut it twink

Me: like you have room to talk

I put my phone down a giggle at Noah's little remark. I closed my eyes, deciding to finally get some rest after three weeks of being sleep deprived.

I was half asleep when I heard bangs from downstairs, directly followed by yelling. I sat up from my bed and crept to the door. I placed my ear to the door and began to listen to the argument.

"Why the hell did you lie to him like that! If you want to at least attempt at being a good father, don't lie! It's obvious you're not going to accept him for who he is!"

"Just shut up! I'm trying to act nice so maybe he'll stay here instead of going over to his house!"

"So you're just jealous!"

"I'm not jealous, I don't want them to corrupt his mind!"

"They aren't corrupting him-"

"You're right. He's already like this. That son of ours has been a failure from the start."

I backed away from the door, tears falling from my eyes. Was he right? He couldn't be. He was just some stuck up asshole that doesn't care for his family.

I grabbed my phone from the end table and texted Noah again.

Chat: noah <3

Me: Noah I need a god damn break already.

noah <3 : jeez, is it that bad?

Me: Parents are already arguing, and my dad thinks i'm a failure, soooo

noah <3 : you're coming with me tomorrow

Me: r u sure?

noah <3 : of course, i know a place we can go

Noah's Pov -

{ The Next Day }

I waited for Cody where we were supposed to meet, holding one singular flower behind me. I waited a minute before I saw him approaching. He smiled at me from far away, and he picked up his pace and began to run towards me. He jumped on top of me, knocking me down.

"Cody!" I squealed. "You just squished the flower I was gonna give you!"

"Oh! Sorry."

I took the remnants of the flower and put it in Cody's hair.


"You look cute!"

Cody rolled his eyes and kissed my on my forehead. "Where are we going?"

I grabbed his hand and took him to the woods behind us. "Come on!"

I dragged him into the woods and down a small trail.

"Where are we even going?"

I kept walking without answering Cody until we reached a log suspended over a small creek. Paths of sunlight cut through the leaves and glistened on the water.

"Oh wow.." Cody said, mesmerized. "This is beautiful!"

I sat down on the log, and Cody came next to me. I put my arm around him, and he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Noah." Cody stated.

"It's fine," I replied. "You said you needed, and I thought this was a perfect place to come."

"How charming." Cody said coolly.

We watched the creek run for a bit. Cody looked back at me before planting a kiss on my lips.

"How romantic," I smiled. "Is that your way of saying you wanna make out?"

"That's not what I was hinting at-"

"Too bad."

I pulled Cody close and kissed him on the lips, holding his cheek. We continued to kiss for minute before Cody pulled away.

"Why are we always doing this?" He said laughing.

"I'm not sure."

We sat for a minute in silence before Cody's phone buzzed.

"Shit," Cody whispered.

"What is it?" I asked.

"My dad wants me to come back home."

"Just stay."


"Because, it's already bad enough. I don't wanna make it worse by your dad finding out about us hanging out."

"He'll never know if we don't tell him."

"Noah, stop."


"I'm going home, Noah."


"No buts, okay! It's not that big of a deal. Just stay in your own god damn lane for a bit."

Cody sat up and started to walk off.

"Cody, wait!"

He didn't listen. He kept walking. He brushed the flower out of his hair and into the creek. I watched its petals get slowly absorbed with water and float away with the flow of the water.

I stared hopelessly at the trail, hoping Cody would come back and apologize. He never returned. Maybe he wasn't the one to apologize. Was it me? What did I even do? I was always caring for him. Why should I have to apologize!

I pulled out my phone.

Chat: codyyy

Me: Cody, I'm not really sure what I did but I'm sorry.

Me: Cody please answer.

codyyy: no.

Me: Cody just talk to me.

codyyy: quit being so damn protective everything is fine

Me: Cody i'm just trying to help.

codyyy: well it's clearly making me upset

Me: Cody I don't understand.

codyyy: i'm not explaining anything else to you.

Me: Please just talk to me.

Me: Cody?

I shoved my phone back into my pocket, and walked back home. When I got back home, I opened up my phone and left one final message to Cody.

Me: I hope you know I love you.

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