The Truth

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Noah's Pov -

I stared in shock at my phone at the text I had just recieved. Was that really Cody?

Me: cody? is this actually you?

cody ml <33: uh, yeah? why wouldn't it be

Me: where r u?? me and courtney have been looking for u forever

cody ml <33: idek, i'm kinda scared

Me: i'm terrified rn, you've been gone for three days

cody ml <33: three da

Me: cody?

Me: cody where tf did you go?

Me: cody?!

After he didn't respond I immediately called Courtney.

"What do you want Noah? I'm studying for an exam!"

"We need to talk. It's about the Cody situation."

"What is it?"

"He texted me. Not someone else texting through his phone, but it was actually Cody."

"Wait, really?"


"We really need to do the house thing tomorrow."

"How would we even get in?"

"Cody always leaves his window open," I explained. "For some reason, I'm not sure why. But maybe we could go in from there."

"Tomorrow." Courtney said. "I'll meet you outside of your house."

{ Time Skip }

I waited on Courtney outside of my house for a while. I was starting to get a bit worried before I saw her run towards me.

"Sorry, I'm late," Courtney said. "I had to do some things."

"It's fine," I assured her. "Come on, Cody's house is this way."

We walked down the sidewalk until Cody's house came into view. I unlocked the gate to the backyard and let Courtney through. I went in behind her and locked the gate back.

"How do we get in from here? And what's that broken window?" Courtney asked, pointing to a completely shattered piece of glass. I looked inside and saw a horrific scene frozen in time. Bloodstains on the floor and bookshelf, and a random gun sitting on a shelf.

"What the hell happened here?" Courtney whispered.  "It looks like a murder scene."

Once I saw the blood on the shelf I immediately knew this is where the whole bookshelf thing happened. And then I realized it was Cody's dad's office.

"Courtney, this is Cody's dad's office." I said. "Maybe we can find some info here?"

"Isn't this like ... breaking and entering?" Courtney warned. "And robbery?"

"Not unless we take something," I smirked. I crawled through the broken window and into the office, careful not to make any noise. I scanned the shelves for any weird books until I saw one that caught my eye.

'How to get Away with Murder.'

I pulled the book off of the shelf and showed it to Courtney. "Why does he have this?"

"Read it!" Courtney whisper shouted.

I flipped it open to the table of contents where some of the chapters were bolded with read underline.

"Kidnapping Cases."

"Abuse Cases."

"Murder by Poison Cases."

"Noah what is Cody's dad doing in his free time!" Courtney yelled.

"I don't know! He hates me so much I don't pay attention to him and he doesn't pay attention to me! All he knows is that I'm the twink that's dating his son."

"Put that back," Courtney demanded. "Look through his drawers."

I did as Courtney asked. All of them seemed relatively normal, until I reached the last drawer with one like notebook. It was plain black, nothing written on the outside. I opened the notebook and it was almost the same as Ben's phone.

Two random phone numbers written down, and the same set of coordinates from Ben's phone.

"Wherever those coordinates are has to be important," Courtney stated. "Maybe look it up or something?"

I pulled out my phone and searched the coordinates that seemed to be everywhere. When I got the result, I shook slightly.

"That's not very far. That's literally right next to us."

Courtney gasped. "Look at more stuff."

There were bullet points all over the notebook.

Whoever this Ben kid is will gladly help me with this. He hates Noah and Cody almost as much as I hate them. He can be backup in case I need him, which I probably will. This plan will be difficult to carry out, but at least it won't be on my mind when it's finished. I can buy the gun later, while Cody is at school. Just so he doesn't notice.

Courtney looked at me with fear in her eyes. "What is he trying to do?"

"Clearly Ben isn't who actually did it, he just kind of helped. Cody's own dad is behind it."

Courtney took in a deep breath. We just need to find out where those coordinates are.


Courtney and I walked about a three mile radius around Cody's house, yet we seemed to get further from the coordinates.

"Noah," Courtney said. "I'm starting to think that the coordinates are actually from inside Cody's house."

"How?!" I exclaimed. "We checked everywhere!"

"Except one place."


"The basement."

"Courtney that is the most basic ass place to hide a body."

"We don't even know if Cody's dead! Maybe he's not some rotting corpse!"

"That made me feel so comforted." I remarked.

"Im starting to get sick of you." Courtney snapped.

"Then once we find Cody I'll leave you alone. You have no idea how boring these days have been. I haven't kissed Cody in almost a week!"

"Oh shut up,"

"I bet Gwen hasn't even kissed you yet!"

"Thank god you didn't see her lipstick on my cheek at the dance."

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"See, we actually kiss," Courtney laughed. "Anyway, we need to go back to Cody's house. And actually search the basement."

"Ugh, fine."

"Are you scared?"

"No," I lied. I was terrified I was going to find Cody dead in that basement, but I knew he wasn't dead. Unless he was. My head raced with a million thoughts that could easily be shot down the second we set foot into that basement.


I shook my head and turned to Courtney. "I'm fine. Let's just go."

We turned back around and walked back to Cody's house. A twisting feeling in my stomach made me think whatever we found in that basement wasn't going to be pleasant.

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