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Noah's Pov -

The lady on the other end of the line stopped talking for a minute after I had spoken.

"What do you mean?"

"I think my boyfriend got kidnapped."

The lady sighed. "What do you mean, kidnapped."

"Are you stupid!" I yelled. "My boyfriend is fucking missing!"

She froze for a minute, before sighing again. I heard a pen click. "Where did you last see him."

"You know the the high school a few days ago?"


"We were trying to get out of the building before someone pushed me into a wall. I hit my head, and I passed out for a minute. When I woke up, he was gone."

"I'm gonna need more than that, kid."

"That's all I can fucking remember!" I screamed into the speaker.

"I'm going to need to you calm down, sir."

"I can't calm down, bitch! My boyfriend could be dead right now and you're treating it like it's nothing! You haven't asked me anything about him or anything else. Do you even fucking care!"

"What's his name."

"Oh, so now you're asking questions." I snapped.

"Just tell me his name." The lady hissed back.

"Cody Anderson."

I heard her writing some things down.

"Ok. Thanks for calling us."

"That's it?!" I shouted. "That's it!!"

"Leave this to the professionals and go cry about if some more." Then she hung up.

I threw my phone down, wanting to rip it apart. How the hell is she not that concerned that whoever the hell the shooter was probably kidnapped Cody! She acted like its not a big deal. My boyfriend is fucking missing and no one even cares!

I needed to find out something about Cody's dad. He couldn't be out of jail, could he? I had a pretty good feeling it was him, based on how much he despised Cody.

I needed to find out where he was. If he really was out of jail, then he would be at his house. But I didn't see him when I went to talk to Cody's mom. He could've been in his office, hiding from me. I know it would be dangerous to actually go look for him. He'd probably want to kill me, but it's what I have to do to find Cody.

{ Time Skip }

I stood hesitantly at Cody's door once again, panicking more than I was last time. Because this time I was talking to the man who shot me.

I knocked on the door, expecting Cody's probably drunk mom to open the door. Except he opened it.

His gaze cut right through me. His eyes burned with hatred, and probably the urge to rip my organs out of my chest.

"What do you want."

"I...I want to talk about...Cody."

He took in a breath, before rolling his eyes. "Why?"

"Well, he...he disappeared. It was during the whole thing at school the other day."

"Why should you talked to me?" He smiled eerily. "I've changed. Remember?"

Something on his face told me he was lying.

"Please, can we just talk!" I begged. "I just want to find out where he went."

"And what makes you think I have information?" He laughed a bit.

"Nothing, I just want to talk. I don't think you did it-"

"That's obviously a lie, kid."

I was starting to get really fucking angry with him.

"But fine, you can come in." He stepped out of the way for me to enter the house.

"Let's talk in my office," He suggested, opening the door. The window was still shattered, like he hadn't even bothered to get it fixed. He pulled out the chair across from his, and I sat down.

"So, uh, what were you doing the other day?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing, really. I just caught up on some work."

"You weren't fired?!" I asked, shocked.

"Nope." Cody's dad smirked. "Not in my work field."

I was confused by what he meant. "What do you-"

"Can we just skip to your next question please?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh, yeah. Have you talked to Cody recently? Like messages or anything?"

I could see him starting to sweat a bit. "...No."

I decided to say something risky.

"Are you lying?"

He fixed his eyes on me. He never broke his stare, which was kind of terrifying. I sat up from my chair and backed away.

"I...I have to go."

His glare eased, and he sat back. "Ok then, goodbye." He smirked at me as I twisted the door handle, leaving the house as quickly as I could.

I ran back to my house, thinking about the stares he was giving me and how nervous he was was when I asked him questions.

It had to be him. There was no other option. I would've thought it was Ben, but it couldn't be. He was literally crushed by a bus a week ago.

I needed someone to talk to this about, but my only option was Courtney. She hated me right now, but she was pretty much all I had.

Chat: Courtney

Me: Hey Courtney

Courtney: Wth do you want

Me: I just need to talk to you about the Cody situation

Courtney: Can't you talk to someone else? Like Cody?

Courtney: Oh.

Courtney: Never mind.

Me: Of course I can't talk to him, dumbass.

Courtney: Well why are you dragging me into it? I've had a lot to deal with Gwen, they don't even think she's gonna make it.

Me: Oh that's not cool

Courtney: It really fucking isn't.

Me: well can we meet somewhere like, tomorrow?

Courtney: I guess

Me: yippee :3

Courtney: You're cringe af

Me: 🖕

Courtney: I'll go as long as you stop using those stupid ass emoji faces Cody told you about.

Me: damn it :(

Courtney: I said stop.

Me: fine

{ Sorry that took so long I had like no motivation BUT IM BACK }

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