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Cody's Pov -

When I woke up again, it was one in the afternoon. Noah wasn't there anymore. I wasn't sure where he went, probably his room. I sat up and walked to his room, opening the door.

"Hey, are you in here?" I asked. I opened the door a little bit further and saw Noah sitting on his bed, reading a book. He glanced up at me and smiled.

"I'm tired," I said, walking over to sit on the end of Noah's bed. He shut his book and gave me a weird look.

"Not my problem! Just go back to sleep."

"It's the afternoon!"

"Ok, and? Why can't you sleep in the afternoon!"

"I don't know. It just feels awkward." I looked around a minute before I moved up beside Noah. I put my head on his shoulder.

"Why are you always doing this?"

"Because you're cute, and I can."

{ Time Skip }

I hate being at school now that Noah and I are dating. And it's especially awkward that Ben isn't there, when he's still probably rotting in my basement. Everyone thinks Noah killed him, but we have to explain that he didn't, and everyone is just stupid. Even though Noah did kill him.

It took forever to find something to cover up Noah's scars with, because someone had stolen all of his sweaters. I wonder who that was. I just gave him one of mine, since I'm pretty sure we wear the same clothes size.

It was lunch, and Noah and I were doing our usually routine. He read a book, I was on my phone, and we held hands underneath the table. And like usual, Courtney came over.

"Hey," She said. "Are you all good after the whole ... incident ... the other day?"

Noah and I looked at each other. "Yeah."

Courtney narrowed her eyes. "I can tell that's a lie."

Noah laughed a bit. "Maybe it was a lie, but I'm not telling you what happened."

Courtney rolled her eyes. "I see how it is."

We just sat there for a minute before Courtney grew serious.

"I think Ben's friends know you killed him, Noah." Courtney whispered.

"Look, he was trying to kill Cody, so I killed him. It's not that deep! And hell, if they find out it was self defense, they might not even put me in jail!"

"I don't think that's how it works Noah."

"You're becoming a little psychotic," I said blankly.

"Did you want to die?"


"That's what I thought."

I sat there for a minute staring at the ceiling. "I wonder what happened to my dad. He just kind of ran away."

Noah squeezed my hand even tighter. "If I have to do what I did to Ben, just let me know."

{ Time Skip }

Before I knew it, it was already time for history. I somehow got to class before Noah. He walked in, immediately running over to his desk and sitting down.

"I wait all day for this class," Noah said. "French is so boring. I already know how to speak it-"

"You know French?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Teach me some curse words in French."


"Because I said so."

Noah rolled his eyes. The teacher walked in, already starting the lecture from the moment she walked in. Rambling on about how the French founded Canada and some stupid thing like that. Then class was interrupted by a phone call. The teacher picked up the phone and looked at Noah and I, concerned.

"What did we do?" Noah whispered to me.

"I don't know."

Noah's Pov -

The teacher just kept staring at us the entire time she was talking. I glanced over at Cody a few times, who looked just as nervous as me.

"Uh, Noah and Cody?" Miss Smith asked.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"You're needed in the office."

Everyone turned to look at us and started whispering random things. When we walked out of the room, Cody turned to me.

"What did we do?" He asked.

"I don't know."

We continued walking towards the office, and opened the door slowly.


I saw my mom and the principal both standing in the office.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking into the room. Cody wasn't far behind me.

My mom pulled us out of the room. "We need to talk."

"What is going on!" I yelled.

"Uh, well, Cody's dad got arrested."

Cody's face lit up, and he smiled. "Really?"

"Why would I lie about that!" She said excitedly. "Now, like, do y'all want to go home? Because you have no reason to stay here."

{ Time Skip }

Cody and I sat on his bed. I was reading a book, and Cody was on his phone.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked. "Like, some cheesy romance one we can laugh about."

"You have the weirdest ideas of fun." I observed.

"Who cares!" He said, grabbing the TV remote. He turned on the first romance movie that came up when he searched the word 'romance.' He started to become actually invested in the movie, so when the couple finally kissed, he physically screamed.

"Oh quit screaming," I snapped.

"Why!" He yelled at me. "They're so cute!"

"Not as cute as you."

Cody rolled his eyes at me before redirecting his attention to the movie. I grabbed his face and turned it towards mine. I pulled him in and kissed him, and he kissed back. It lasted a while, until I heard footsteps. I didn't want my  mom or siblings walking in and thinking we had done something else.

Luckily she was just walking past, and I slumped back down onto the bed. I faced towards the door. I tried to go to sleep, but Cody had that damn movie turned up way too loud.

"Can you turn down the volume?"

"Oh, yeah."

Cody turned the volume down lower. I was finally able to sleep, then Cody put his head on my shoulder. I felt as if maybe every problem was getting fixed, and we could finally not live in fear anymore.

But I was so wrong.

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