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Noah's Pov -

It had been a few days since the whole incident with Cody. The school had been shut down, and no one really knew if or when it would reopen.

I had sent a few messages to Cody, even though I know I wouldn't get a response. I just hoped that Cody somehow knew that I cared about him, and I just wanted him to come back. Wherever he was.

Courtney was still upset with me after our ... 'argument' ... a few days earlier. I don't think she regrets a word she said. Am I really that damn careless?

I really need to stop listening to whatever the fuck people think of me. Even though a lot of it is probably true. What if I am a shitty boyfriend and Cody has been planning to break up with me?

No. He wouldn't. There's no way that he hates me, and if he does, he just doesn't express it well. What if he's still mad about the whole Ben thing? I wouldn't blame him for being mad about that, I did kind of ... stab ... him.

I mean, at least I didn't kill him! He only died because he got hit by a bus. That's technically not my fault since the bus driver was probably drunk and didn't stop.

I think the only reason I'm so upset is because what Cody saying was right. I probably do worry about him too much. Ever since the very first incident with his dad, I just got really protective. I couldn't help it, I just didn't want Cody to get hurt again. I had done so much to keep him from going through that again, but apparently what I had done was too much.

No one knew what happened to Cody. No one saw it. No one saw him leave the school, or anything. He just vanished. The only one who actually knows is Cody.

And no one can find him.

{ Time Skip }

I sat in Cody's room, where all of his stuff sat frozen in time from the morning before. Half of the blankets and pillows on the floor, his clothes scattered everywhere, and a picture of him and I that he had hung on the wall with the caption "Cringy Twinks on a Date." I told him it was a stupid thing to write on there, but he didn't listen.

I felt like I was too attached, and that Cody was probably dead. I had slept in his room every night since the incident. I missed him too damn much.

I wanted to do something about it, but I had no help. Courtney already fucking hated me and is in the hospital with Gwen. I can't ask Cody bc he's the one I'm fucking looking for.

I mean, I'm fine with doing this alone. It'll just take a while. Which means Cody will probably be dead by then.

I'll just have to suck it up and accept the fact that he's probably rotting in someone's basement right now. Or in the woods. I just need to prepare myself because he might be dead right now.

{ Time Skip }

I was on my computer, searching up stupid things. Like, 'How to figure out who kidnapped your boyfriend', and 'How to solve a crime on your own'. I had done something like this with Courtney before, but I knew she wouldn't talk to me now.

After a while of trying random attempts to figure out what happened, I gave up. I sat my computer down on the end table next to my bed. I grabbed my earbuds and decided to listen to the stupid playlist Cody made for me, called "Noah my love <3". That playlist title is the only time I've ever seen Cody use proper capitalization.

I eventually fell asleep to the music, only thinking of Cody.


I woke up the next morning, extremely tired despite the near fifteen hours of sleep I got. The second I woke up I got to work, thinking of ideas to look for Cody. I could walk over to his old house, just to see if his mom is around, if she'll even want to talk to me.

Ah, forget it. If something happens, it happens. I don't really care anyway.

I didn't even bother getting dressed. I kind of just threw kn some shoes and a jacket and walked a few miles down the street to Cody's house.

The place left a burning memory in my head off all the things that had happened there. This was somewhere I needed to check, just to be sure. If he wasn't here, I'd have no clue where else to go.

I walked up to the door and hesitantly hovered my fist over the door. I knocked as quickly as I could, taking a few steps back from the door.

Whoever opened the door looked awful. Her skin was pale and broken. Large bags stuck out from underneath her eyes, she looked as if she hadn't slept in weeks. The area around her eyes was tainted with mascara that had been smeared with tears.

Cody's mom.

"You're Noah, right?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah, that's me." I smiled nervously. "Would you mind talking with me for a minute?"

She raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

"...Oh. So you haven't figured out yet."

"Haven't figured out what? Did something happen to Cody?!"

I sighed, afraid of having to explain this to her. I tried to talk about it in the best way possible.

"Oh my god..." She whispered. "I'm not sure I can be much help, but I can try."

Cody's mom brought me into the kitchen. I sat down at the chair across from her, pulling out a small sheet of paper to write notes with.

"So, I've never interviewed someone before, so I might be shit at're fine with me swearing, right?"

"I don't mind."

I nodded. "Okay, so, when was the last time you contacted Cody?" I questioned.

"Well, he texted me a day or so before the whole thing happened, just letting me know that he was open to talking to me if I wanted to." She replied.

I wrote that down on the paper.

"Okay, and do you know anyone that might have anything against Cody?" I already knew what the answer was.

"Only his dad.."

I wrote that down as well.

"Any recent updates on him?"

She looked down, seeming deeply concerned.

"He was just released."

"Wait ... from prison?"

She nodded slowly. I scribbled that down on the paper as fast as I could before gathering my stuff to leave.

"Where are you going?" Cody's mom asked.

"I just...I just need to make a call." I stepped outside and started walking as fast as I could towards my house. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed in the number before putting the phone to my ear.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, I'd like to report a possible abduction."

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