Help (pt. 2)

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Cody's Pov -

Noah quickly rolled up his sleeves to cover the scars on his arms, but it was too late. I had already seen the rips going up and down his arms.


I approached Noah and kissed him on the forehead. "When we get back to your house, we'll talk about this."

{ Time Skip }

After a long scolding from Noah's parents, we were alone in his room. We sat next to each other in silence for a moment.

"If you wanna talk, we can talk." I said, looking at him. "I'm not trying to make this awkward."

"It kinda already is." Noah answered. "I don't like talking about things like this."

"It's fine. At least I'm not throwing you on a book shelf about it."

"Cody, that isn't even funny anymore." Noah said.

"It is a little funny," I admitted.

Noah nodded, then went back to staring at the wall. I moved my hand over and placed it on top of Noah's, sitting in awkward silence with him.

"I love you." I whispered to Noah.

"...I love you too."

I put my head on Noah's shoulder. "If you want to talk, I'm here. I know that sound super cheesy but still."

Noah rolled his eyes. "Why do you always want to know my personal business?"

"Because I'm your boyfriend and I'm entitled to it."

"Oh shut up."

I kissed Noah on the cheek before he glared at me.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Because I can."

I smiled at Noah. "I had a dream about you the other night."

"Huh? That's a little ... uh ... weird." Noah said. "Why are you dreaming about me?"

"It was nothing special," I said. "We just kinda made out and stuff."

"Eugh, you're obsessed with me." Noah joked. "But it's good to have someone that's willing to hang out with me everyday. And someone I can vent to ... I guess."

"I hate being corny, but I'm being serious. If you wanna talk, I'm here."



"Grab some popcorn I guess."


I sat in front of Noah.

"This is so awkward. I've never properly talked about this in front of anyone." Noah said. "Other than the stupid mandatory counselor meetings."

"Just start from the beginning."

"Ok. It started back in ... fourth grade? I was walking home from school when some guy pulled up. He told me he was my dad's friend, and was gonna drive me home. When I was younger, I was kinda sheltered, so I didn't really know how to tell if someone was a kidnapper or not. I climbed into his car, and he started to drive into a wooded area."

"Oh shit," I whispered.

"I just sat there for a minute in the car, before the mystery guy asked me if I could swim. I said no, not realizing we were right next to a river. The guy picked my up by my legs, and threw me in headfirst."

"Oh fuck."

"The river was so fast, I was never able to make it to the surface. I think I passed out, I never found out for how long. It didn't seem like long, but no one really knows. When I finally woke up, the river had taken me right to my own house. And I went inside, and let's just say I wasn't allowed to walk home alone from school a while."

Noah's Pov -

Cody stared at me in shock.

"I'm nowhere even close to finished," I admitted. "Then when I started high school, that's when I figured out I liked guys. I had told some friends about it, and ... let's say all trust I had was completely gone. It wasn't a very ... pleasant ... time for me, and I—nevermind, I won't go into detail."

"Noah, you can tell me anything."

"After what you saw in the hospital, I don't need to explain any further."

"They weren't recent?" Cody asked.


"I never really recovered from it, until you moved here. You were the first person in three years to actually want to talk to me, instead of being forced. And then we got into the fight, it kinda pushed my limits, and now I have a dislocated leg."

Cody let out a small laugh before stopping himself.

"I guess after the fight everything from a few years ago came right back after a really small argument, and ... I almost died."

Cody launched himself at me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry my pookie bear had to go through all of that," Cody said in a stupid, high pitched voice.

"You can't take anything seriously, can you?" I asked.

"I try."

Cody finally rolled off of me and pulled out a pair of earbuds. "Wanna listen to music?"

"Cody, you know I don't like that much music."

"Pleeeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee!" Cody whined.

"Fine." I snapped, letting Cody place one earbud in my ear and the other in his. We sat in silence, just listening to the music and staring at the ceiling. I fought to keep my eyes open. In the end, I lost, and I slowly fell asleep, Cody's hand in mine.

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