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Cody's Pov -

{ 2 hours earlier }

I walked in the house and my parents were waiting for me.

"Cody, we need to talk." My dad said seriously.

"Ok," I responded, and he led me over to his office.

"Why are we talking in here?" I asked.

He walked behind me when I entered, and locked the door.

"Uh, dad?" I questioned. "What is going on?"

He grabbed me by my wrist and shoved my into the chair across from his.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, "What was that for!"

He sat down. "You mind explaining to me why the hell you went to the dance with a boy?"

"It's not a big deal!" I cried.

"Do you know how much hate I will get a work for having a homosexual for a son!"

"Of course, it all goes back to work. Maybe if you took some time away from that to actually understand me, you'd respect it!"

"Watch your tone, Cody!"

"Watch yours too, old man."

My dad was taken aback at what I said and immediately his face turned red. He ran over to me and grabbed me by my shirt collar.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled, and I could here my mom banging on the door from the other side.

"Cody? Are you two okay in there?"

Dad threw me to the ground. "We're fine!"

He began to punch me repeatedly across my face, and I screamed. He picked me up and threw me across the room, causing me to hit my head on a bookshelf.

I crashed to the ground, my breath heavy and my eyes blurry. He kicked me one more time in the face before turning and leaving me with a possible concussion on the floor.

I tried to lift myself up, but every time I just fell back onto the floor. A trail of blood dripped from my nose and head, staining the wood floor. I propped myself on my dads desk and grabbed his stapler. I threw it at the window behind his desk and attempted to bust out some of the glass. I climbed out of the window, wondering where to go. I went to the first place I could think of. Noah's house.

I pretty much crawled the entire way there, stumbling into a bench every now and then to rest. Once I finally made it, I knocked on the door.

Noah opened it, and looked at me, horrified.



Noah's Pov -

The second after I saw Cody he immediately fell face first onto the floor. More injuries I hadn't seen before got revealed, including a massive gash on his forehead.

"Oh god..."

I backed up a little bit. "Mom!"

I ran upstairs to my parents room and burst through the door.

"What is it, Noah?!" My mom yelled. "I'm trying to read!"

"It's Cody!" I yelled. "I d-don't know what happened, but he's all bloody, and-"

"What?!" She yelled. She shook my dad. "Get the first aid kit, if that's even gonna help."

We ran downstairs, and a massive stream of blood was running from Cody's head.

"Oh my god ... get some towels Noah."

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a few and gave them to my mom. She pressed them against his head. My dad rushed in with the first aid kit. My mom opened it quickly and grabbed some bandages. She wrapped them around Cody's head and some of his other injuries, then lifted him up and placed him on the couch.

"Do you want to stay down here with him, Noah?"

I nodded, and my mom walked upstairs along with my dad. I sat down on the floor next to Cody, holding his hand even though he couldn't feel it.

I fell asleep in the same spot, and when I woke up Cody still wasn't awake. He wasn't as pale as he had been when he first got here, but he still didn't look okay.

Please don't be dead Cody...


I looked back at Cody and saw his eyes slowly blinking open.

"Cody?" I asked quietly.

"What happened..?"

I pulled Cody close and hugged him tight.

"Noah, answer me..." Cody whispered. "What happened..?"

"Being honest, I don't even know."

"I can't remember shit.."

I laughed a little bit. "You passed out in my doorway."


"You looked kinda stupid."

"Jesus christ, Noah, shut it..." Cody said. "I don't wanna know about what embarrassing things I did.."

"You also crawled to my house."

"Shut up," Cody said, rolling over. "...Ow."

"Do you want some different clothes?"  I asked Cody.

"No. I don't care if mine are bloody, I don't want to move right now."

I laughed. "Fine."

Within seconds Cody was back asleep, and I went back up to my bedroom. I fell onto my bed. I went back to sleep a little bit later.

When I woke up my room door was wide open. I shot up from my bed and saw Cody in my doorway.


"What is it?"

"I ... can't see. Every ... thing is blurry."

"It's probably just dark."

"No ... I'm ... seeing stars right now."

"Is your head okay?" I asked.

"I can't even ... feel it."

"Cody, are you okay."

"Noah ... I ..." Cody began to sway back and forth. I got up from my bed as quick as I could and rush over to him. He fell right into my arms. His hands were shaky and cold, and his breathing had slowed.


He didn't respond.


Once again, silence.

I picked Cody up and ran to my parents room.

"Mom!" I cried.

"What is it now!"

"Cody came to my room and said he couldn't see and I didn't think much about it but now he's cold and won't move!"

"Slow down," My mom suggested. "Tell me again?"

I explained everything again through tears.

"I think he's dying!" I sobbed.

"Get in the car," My mom said. "We need to go to the hospital."

I ran back to my room and put a jacket on over my shirt and looked at Cody. I got an extra and placed it over him as we ran into the freezing fall weather to the car.

Don't die on me Cody.

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