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Cody's Pov -

I turned around to Noah.

"You heard that too, right?"

"Who didn't?"

At this point everyone in the hallway was looking around, panicked. Teachers were looking out of their doors. I had no idea what was going on until I heard someone scream.

"What the hell was that!" Noah yelled.

"I don't know!"

At this point, everyone was freaking out. The teachers were doing nothing except fucking standing around.

No one said they were on lockdown. No one told them to hide. The only noises were broken glass, a gunshot, and then a horrific scream.


I turned around. Gwen and Courtney were running towards us, confused.

"What the hell is going on?" Gwen questioned.

"I don't know!" Noah shouts back.

"Well, we heard the noises," Courtney said quietly. "And wanted to know if you two were okay."

I squeezed Noah's hand. "We're fine."

We began looking around again, trying to see what was going on. By the time everyone had calmed down, another shot rang out.

"Oh, fuck."

Everyone went crazy, running around in circles. The shots got louder, and more screams came from behind us.

"What do we do!" Courtney cried.

"Hell, I don't know! Maybe ... run!" Noah screamed.

We ran off down the hall, turning into another one. It was eerily quiet, and No one was around.

"This is ... weird." I whispered. I felt as if I had to talk in a low tone because of how quiet it was.

"We should just keep-" Gwen, tried to say, but was cut off by the loudest shot yet. She stood still for a moment, before collapsing forward.


Courtney ran over to Gwen's side, lifting her off of the ground. Blood was spilling from a hole in her stomach, just below her chest.

I took a step back. I didn't know what to say or do. Noah put his hand on my shoulder.

"I think we might want to go.."

"But Courtney and Gwen-"

I turned around and saw someone pointing a gun straight at Noah and I.

"Oh shit."

I couldn't see his face. He had it covered up with some random mask he probably bought at a halloween store.

Noah grabbed my arm and ran. I stared behind me as Noah dragged me down the hall, the man chasing after us. He didn't even bother with Courtney and Gwen, he was targeting us.

Like he knew us.

Noah turned down several halls and went up and down so many flights of stairs, I didn't even know where we were. Noah ducked behind a corner, leaning against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Noah said in between breaths.

"I think so."

We sat there in silence for a minute, until we heard rapid footsteps.

Noah grabbed my arm, prepared to run, but the footsteps stopped. Noah and I sat in fear, trying not to make a sound. As soon as I thought they were gone, I made the dumb decision of talking.

"Are we good-"

The footsteps began again. Noah held my arm tighter and ran off again. We sped down the hallway, the footsteps getting closer with each passing second. Noah tried to run faster, but it was no use. Whoever was behind us shoved Noah, flinging him into the wall.


When he got thrown, I fell and slid across the floor. The person approached me slowly, and I moved back. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, as I looked over to Noah hopelessly.

The person grabbed me by my arm and started dragging me down the hall. I screamed for Noah, but he never came. I resorted to just regular screaming, hoping someone could hear me. But then I felt something heavy hit my head, and I only saw black.

Noah's Pov -

When my vision refocused, Cody was gone. I heard nothing but pure silence, no footsteps, no screaming, no gunshots. Nothing.

I stood up, still delirious after hitting the wall. I stumbled down a staircase, coming across Courtney and Gwen. Gwen was on the floor, her head in Courtney's lap, not moving. Courtney just stared over her, sobbing. She looked up at me walking towards her, holding my head.

"Noah! Oh thank god you're alright." I sat down beside her, staring at the floor.

"Wait. Where's Cody?"

I looked behind me, thinking he would just appear behind me. "I...I don't know."

Courtney's eyes widened. "What do you mean you don't know!"

"I just don't okay! It all happened so fast, when I kind of re-adjusted, he was gone."

Courtney stared at me with a hint of anger in her eyes. "You seriously just let him disappear like that!"

"Courtney. I couldn't fucking help it-"

"You're a poor excuse for a boyfriend Noah. I can't believe Cody is still in love with you."

Courtney's words cut through me like a knife. Why the hell did she say that? She knew it wasn't my fault that Cody was gone...

I heard doors opening down the hall, and a bunch of paramedics and police officers entered. They rushed to Gwen and Courtney, leaving me sitting on the floor. Only one person came over to me, putting their hand on my back.

"Are you okay?"

I just slowly shook my head, with only one thing on my mind.


I had no idea where he was, or what had happened, but I missed him. Even if it was somehow my fault he was gone, I still missed him. His stupid gap toothed smile. His messy hair he almost never brushed. And the way his face always went red when I kissed him. Almost everything about Cody was the only reason I stayed.

And now that's gone.

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