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Cody's Pov -

Even though he texted me that he was fine, I hadn't heard from Noah in a while. I texted him again, just to make sure.

Chat: noah :3

Me: u good? i haven't heard anything from u in a while

noah :3 : yeah, im fine, im just tired

Me: oh ok then :]

I could tell he was lying. I hated it when Noah lied to me. I know there's some things he might not want me to know about, it I still feel slightly betrayed. And he's kind of an obvious liar.

I really wish I could just walk in there and talk to him, yet for some reason he has his door locked. Kind of odd, if you ask me. As far as I know Noah never locks his door.


No. He wouldn't. After the whole ... I don't even know what to call it last time, he wouldn't do it again..would he?

I decided I had to go check on him, even though I would seem really clingy and annoying. It was obvious something was wrong.

I stepped out of the guest bedroom and walked to over to Noah's room. I knocked on the door.



"Can I come in-"


"What is it-"


"Oh ok, I'll just wait out here."


An hour passed. I knocked on the door again.

"Noah, why the hell does it take you an hour to change." I asked.

"I can't decide what I want to wear."

I sighed. "I'm just going back into my room." I walked back into the room. I fell onto the bed, finally trying to get some sleep.


I woke up a few hours later. I couldn't get back to sleep because whatever the hell Noah was doing was making so much damn noise. I got up again and walked to his room. The door was open, but he wasn't there.


I looked into his room. Fuck. The window was open.

"Shit." I ran over to the window and looked over it, relieved to not see Noah's dead body below it. I sighed, before turning around and seeing Noah standing right behind me.

"Why are you in my room."

"You were ... you were just making a lot of noise and I didn't know what you were doing so I came in here and saw the open window and thought you'd killed yourself."


Noah looked around for a minute before returning his attention to me.

"You can go now."


Noah looked at me angrily. "Can you just leave! I don't see the point in you being so damn obsessed with me right now."

"I could obviously tell you were lying when you told me you were fine. Is something wrong!" Noah turned to leave. I grabbed his arm.

"Just tell me-"

The second I touched his arm he jerked back. "Leave."

"Fine!" I stormed passed Noah and into my room, where I slammed the door. Just to add a little bit of an angry effect.

Noah's Pov -

God fucking damn it.

Cody probably thinks I hate him now, but I don't. I just didn't want him in my room. He was kind of already mad about the last situation, I didn't want to anger him anymore.

I got another text from Cody. His stupid messages started to really annoy me, especially after I told him to leave me alone.

Chat: cody ml <33

cody ml <33 : noah if u wanna talk u can js tell me

Me: i swear i'm fine

cody ml <33 : noah i can tell ur lying.

Me: i'm not!

cody ml <33 : noah js fucking talk abt it

Me: no. i said it so many times when tf will you learn to listen

I threw my phone down. I felt like such a horrible boyfriend. Hell, Cody probably wanted to break up with me. I mean, I understood him if he did. I wouldn't want to date myself after all of this either.

I didn't really want to talk about what had happened, he'd probably yell at me like he did with the whole window thing. I know Cody will find out eventually. It's only a while before he realizes and yells at me and we have another fight and then we're enemies.

Even though it didn't seem like it anymore, I really fucking loved him.

Cody is the only person on this god damn Earth who actually respects me and loves me. I couldn't lose that. And the only thing that ruined that was talking about my problems. I really wish I could talk to Cody, but he always got mad at me. I don't even really feel as if I can freely talk around him anymore.

Are we just not friends anymore?

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