High School Sweethearts

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Cody's Pov -

I woke up the next morning not even realizing I had fallen asleep. I refused to let myself wake up, but I couldn't help but jolt up when I saw I had fallen asleep hugging Noah.


Noah bolted upright. "What?"

"I fell asleep on top of you!"

Noah rolled his eyes. "Ok, and? It's not a big deal."


"Cody that's if you have sex, dumbass."


We sat in silence for a minute.

"Do you think my parents will find out?" I asked.

"Not unless they spy on you or something." Noah replied.

I sat up out of Noahs bed and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Noah questioned.

"Oh, home." I said.

"Isn't it cold outside?"

I shrugged. "I should be fine." I turned the handle when I felt Noah's hand on my shoulder. He held out his sweater.

"Noah," I said. "I don't need your sweater."

"Yes you do. It's forty damn degrees outside."

I sighed and took the sweater from Noah's hand I pulled it over my shirt. I looked down at his exposed arms. "What if ... what if your parents see ... that."

"I have another sweater," Noah assured me. He kissed me on the cheek before letting me leave.

{ Time Skip }

The next day at school had been really awkward. I had missed so much school with the concussion, I had only been back one day since then. And now Noah had came back with a broken leg. I swear everyone I've met has asked if we got in a car crash. I just say no, I don't explain any further. I don't wanna explain to my classmates that my Dad threw my at a bookshelf and Noah tried to kill himself.

Noah and I sat at the table in the very back of the cafeteria, farthest from anyone else. Noah held my hand under the table as he read his book, and I just admired him. Damn, I seem like a stalker.

I heard someone pull a chair out from underneath our table and I quickly dropped Noah's hand. I turned to see Courtney sitting across from us.

"Where have you two been!" Courtney yelled. "Well, Noah's been here, you were gone for two weeks, and when you both come back, Noah has a broken leg! Cody, do you have any idea how much work you've missed!"

I pointed to Noah. "Noah brought me all of my work."

Courtney narrowed her eyes at us before they trailed over to me and grew wide. "Cody, why are you wearing Noah's sweater?"

"I am?" I looked down to see what I was wearing. "Oh, I am!"

"I didn't ask if you were, I'm asking why." Courtney snapped. "Tell me, why are you wearing Noah's sweater? Is it because you're gay for each other?"

"Courtney, did you actually forget you caught us making out in the hallway during the dance?" Noah asked, putting his book down.

"Wait, you were actually kissing?" Courtney said, shocked. "I thought you were messing with me!"

"Why would I pretend to make out with Noah when we're literally dating—oh."


"What! I didn't mean too!"

"Ugh," Noah rolled his eyes. "I'm leaving, I don't wanna be late for my next class." He sat up, grabbed his bag, and walked out of the room with his hands on his hips.

"He walks so gay." Courtney whispered to me.

Noah's Pov -

My face lit up when I saw Cody walk into history. It was the time of day I always looked forward to, and I had missed it for the past two weeks.

"Finally, this class," Cody sighed, sitting down. "The only class where I have the excuse to talk the whole time."

"And I'm pretty sure it's just studying for an exam tomorrow." I said. "We can make up the excuse we're studying together after school, which gives us the ability to talk the whole time."

"I'd like that," Cody said, putting on his romantic face.

"The heck is wrong with you," I laughed.

The bell rang, and Miss Smith walked in not long after.

"Hello class. I've received a message that for this class period, we will be going out to the field to watch some pep rally thing. If you don't want to watch, feel free to walk around the courtyard or something because I could care less about this thing. Wait at the back door for me." Miss Smith opened the door for us to walk to the back door. Everyone else spilled out of the door before us, yet Cody and I stayed in the back.

"Do you want to watch this stupid thing?" I asked Cody.

"Hell no," Cody replied. "I would rather die than watch girls in tight skirts and crop tops sing 'Let's Go Team!' in high pitched voices."

"Would you rather see me in a cheerleader outfit."


I laughed, reaching over to subtly grab Cody's hand.

"Noah, we're at school," Cody whispered. "You can't just go around holding my hand."

"Forget me trying to be a good boyfriend," I said sarcastically.

We walked outside into the sun.

"It's hot out here," Cody complained.

"Take off my sweater-"

"No." Cody glared at me. "I'm not taking this off. It's uh ... comfy."

"You just don't wanna take it off because it's mine."

Cody looked at his feet. "Maybe."

Everyone else made their way to the bleachers and benches around the field to watch the pep rally.

"Are we the only ones who don't want to watch it?" Cody asked.

I saw Courtney sit down with a group of people on a bench. "Even Courtney is watching it."

I looked at Cody. "Where do you want to go?"

"Under the bleachers, we can be so romantic," Cody smirked.

"You just want a soapy teen movie kiss moment but make it gay, don't you." I said.

Cody rolled his eyes. "Is it weird if I do?"


We walked over to the bleachers and sat down under them. I pulled my book from my bag and began to read. Cody put his head on my shoulder. We stayed there for a while, maybe half an hour. The pep rally hadn't  even started yet.

"When does this stupid thing start?" Cody asked.

I just shrugged. I heard Cody sigh. After another thirty minutes, the time we should be leaving. I went to ask Cody if he wanted to leave, but he had fallen asleep. I just simply kissed him on his forehead, then went back to reading.

Then my phone buzzed with a message from Courtney.

Chat: Courtney

Courtney: Noah?

Me: yeah?

Courtney: Why was I just airdropped a video of you kissing Cody on the forehead while he was asleep?

My mouth fell open. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and shook Cody awake.

"Noah ... I was sleeping!"

"Cody we have to go."


I looked around before whispering to Cody.

"Someone is watching us."

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