(no title bc im lazy yaaa)

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Noah's Pov -

I hate children.

Some bitch ass kid kept kicking the back of my seat that whole damn flight and I was about to turn around and punch that little bastard.

Courtney was starting to get pretty sick of me, I had been having to hold myself in the seat just to keep myself from throwing him out of the window.

"You have no reason to hit a kid, Noah."

"I have a very good reason."

Courtney and I got off of the plane, not having a single idea of what the hell to do.

"So, where do we look first?"

"I don't know, he's not gonna be with anyone. Because he jumped out of some guy's car."


We continued walking until we reached the outside, where we had to walk at least another mile to the other side of a big ass parking lot.

There was nothing there except an extremely busy city street, cars almost crashing no matter where they went.

"Where the hell do we start?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going into this place and getting a damn coffee because I'm dying of thirst."

"And that means you have to get coffee?"

"I have the mind of a middle aged white woman."

Courtney made a left into some random coffee shop. I shouted after her.

"Get me something too!"

The door slammed behind her, which I took as, "Get your own drink, bitch."

I sighed, turning around to find a bench. I walked a few feet when some random person ran into me, almost shoving me down.

"Dude, watch where you're going!" I yelled as he walked off. He kept walking at a fast pace.

"Hey!" I started walking after him. I finally caught up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Man, what the f-"

He turned around, about to push me off, until he suddenly stopped. He just stared at my face like he was dying or something.

It took me a moment of looking at his facial features before I realized who it was. I gasped.

Cody was standing right fucking in front of me.

Cody's Pov -

Holy shit.

I've never hugged Noah faster than I did just then, when I thought he was some old guy about to yell at me for accidentally bumping into him.

But he wasn't some old ass man.

It was Noah, my actual damn boyfriend.

"Uh...Cody?" Noah said with a blank expression.

"Yeah?" I looked at him again.

"Is this real or are you fucking with me?"

"I'm actually Cody."

"Say something only Cody would know."


"Shit, it is you."

Noah wrapped his arms around me, holding my tightly. "We need to go get Courtney."

I looked at him. "Why is Courtney here?"

"I don't wanna be alone."

I laughed a bit. "Remember when you said that you didn't want me to be alone when we had to wait outside."

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