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Noah's Pov -

Cody didn't come to school the next day. Which was really awkward because he was always at school, except for the concussion incident. Of course Ben was there, smirking at me like he knew something I didn't.

Almost as if he was plotting something.

I just ignored him. I didn't think much about it. I sat at our same table, reading my book since I didn't have anyone to talk to except Courtney.

"Where's Cody?" She asked. "He's never missed school until the whole thing with his dad."

"I've tried texting him, but he only leaves me on read."

"Try again!"

I pulled my phone from my pocket and clicked on Cody's contact.

Chat: cody ml <33

Me: hey where are you today?
cody ml <33 Read

Me: i miss u :( can't wait to see u tmrw if ur back!
cody ml <33 Read

Me: Hey bro, where r u? Court and I are worried.

"Just gonna give it a minute. He might respond."

After a few minutes I checked my phone again, and sure enough, I was left on read.

Me: Hey bro, where r u? Court and I are worried.
cody ml <33 Read

"That's really strange.." Courtney said. "I know Cody usually responds to your messages right away."

"I'm just scared you know who might have something to do with this."

Courtney rolled her eyes. "Why are we even worried? I thought we were past this."

"Well, uh, he was the person taking the pictures," I admitted.


"He was at Cody's house too, and now Cody isn't at school or answering my texts, and he keeps looking at me weird."

"Well, stop by his house!" Courtney suggested.

"No. I am not in the mood to deal with Cody's homophobic ass dad. He already hates me a lot even though he doesn't express it."

"Just go over there after school and check on him."


{ Time Skip }

I sat down and read my book before history started. It was a lot more boring when Cody wasn't here.


I looked up and saw Miss Smith standing over my desk. "Do you know where Cody is? We tried to call home but his parents didn't answer."

"Not surprised," I mumbled to myself. "But no, I haven't seen him. We hung out last night, but now he just isn't answering my texts."

"That's strange," Miss Smith said. "But if you do see him, please verify he's okay. I'm just worried about him ever since his injury a few weeks ago."

"Okay, I will."

{ Time Skip }

I showed up outside of Cody's house. I knocked on the door. Cody's dad opened it, scowling at me.

"Oh. You. What do you want."

"Sorry for uh .. bothering you sir. Cody just wasn't at school today and I just wanted to come by and check on him."

"What do you mean he wasn't at school!" Cody's dad screamed. "You should've took him with you!"

"What do you mean-"

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