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A/N: Okay so they live in Canada so that why Canadian cities are mentioned (in case you didn't know lol)

Noah's Pov -

I was sitting in my room, reading my book, and probably also thinking about Cody. Courtney was telling me I had gotten too attached to Cody, and I was being clingy. I'm not clingy, I just care about my boyfriend!

...Am I clingy?

For fucks sake, I'm probably overthinking this. I just need to do something to help me find out where he is so Courtney's stupid ass thought don't make me seem like a shitty boyfriend.

And I had the perfect idea.

I'm gonna break into his house.

It seems like a stupid idea, but hey, I've done it like...three times before. I didn't die or get caught by the police then. Who says I will now?

{ Time Skip }

I stood at the back of Cody's house, looking like I'm about to blow up a building with my all black outfit.

I didn't necessarily know how I was going to get into his house. His dad was in his office, the broken window still not fixed. If he wants me to quit breaking in, he'll have to fix the damn window.

I heard him yelling some shit to a guy on the phone, and I honestly felt bad for the guy. I wouldn't enjoy Cody's dad yelling at me. His voice is fucking loud.

He yelled at the guy for at least a five minutes, until I actually started paying attention.

"You were actually that fucking dumb to let him jump out of a car!" He screamed.

I narrowed my eyes. Who jumped out of a car?

"Well...uh...he just did? And then when I went to look for him, he was gone."

"Well, where were you when this happened?"

"Around half an hour outside of Vancouver, I think."

My eyes went from narrow to wide at that statement. Vancouver? That's like...two thousand miles from here.

Did Cody's dad hire whoever that was to take Cody there? If so...why?

There was no motive except that he hates Cody...did Cody tell him we were dating? I knew Cody's dad was like, super homophobic, so I highly doubt he would've told him. Also why would you kill your kid just because they kissed a guy? I mean, I am a very attractive guy to least that's what Cody thinks.

"I'll drive out tomorrow and go find him, and this time I'll actually kill him." There was a small pause. "And also you're fired."

I heard him hang up the phone, and I stood still for a minute. I knew he wanted to kill him, but like I wondered earlier...


It makes no sense. One day he's actually trying to be a decent dad, the next he's trying to murder his son at least once a week. And also how the hell did he get Cody all the way across the country in five days?

I didn't even need to go inside, I already had enough information to call Courtney. She'll probably complain the whole time, but she's all I have right now. Cody can't help me look for himself.

Chat: Courtney

Me: courtney

Me: courtneyyy


Courtney: Jesus Christ, Noah. I was doing something.

Me: sorry lol

Courtney: Anyway what the hell do you need now?

Me: well I found out some stuff

Courtney: What is it?

Me: cody's all the way on the other side of the country

Courtney: What?! Where!

Me: vancouver

Courtney: How did he even get all the way over there?

Me: apparently the dude who broke into the school was supposed to kill him or some shit but cody's just epic and immortal and didn't die

Courtney: But that doesn't explain how he's in Vancouver.

Me: they were gonna dump his body there or smth

Courtney: Damn.

Me: yeah

Courtney: Anyway how the hell are we gonna get to Vancouver? It's like a fourty hour drive!

Me: solution: plane

Courtney: No.

Me: Yes.

Courtney: Do you have any idea how expensive plane tickets are?!

Me: i'll steal money

Courtney: What!

Me: my parents don't care how much do you think we'll need?

Courtney: two thousand i guess?

Me: bet

Courtney: Youre actually doing it?

Me: yeah

Courtney: I wasn't being serious! Don't do it Noah.

Me: nuh uh

Courtney: Noah you're going to get us in serious trouble

Me: don't care, i'm showing up at your door in thirty minutes

Courtney: Noah, be reasonable here.

Courtney: Noah?

Courtney: Noah, listen!

{ Time Skip }

I stood outside Courtney's door with nothing but a backpack and a handful of hundred dollar bills. I had knocked three times, yet no answer.

Chat: Courtney

Me: open the door bitch

Courtney: I'm brushing my hair give me three minutes

Me: no one gives a fuck on how you look in an airport courtney

Courtney: Well I do.

Me: just fucking hurry

After ten minutes, Courtney finally came out of the house.

"Thank god, you took three years." I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, I actually care about how I look instead of wearing damn pajama pants."

"No one cares. Anyway, how are we getting to the airport?"

"I'm driving, of course." Courtney got into her car and started it. "Are you coming or not?"

I quickly walked over to the passenger side and stepped in. Courtney drove out of her driveway, and towards the airport.


Around thirty minutes of driving and another thirty minutes of looking for a parking spot, we were in the airport. I wasn't quite sure what do do, so I simply walked over to a lady standing at a desk.

"How can I help you." She said rather impatiently.

I slammed the money on the counter. "I need two tickets to Vancouver."

She glared at me. "You two look kind of...young."

"It's an emergency," I lied. "My grandma is dying."

"I thought she already was-"

"Other grandma." I said quickly. I turned back to the lady at the desk, smiling stupidly.

"The next flight is in three hours. You sure you want to wait that long?" The lady asked.

"I'll take whatever."

The lady took part of the money, then handed us two tickets.

"Enjoy your flight I guess."

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