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Noah's Pov -

I stood outside of the cafe Courtney and I had planned to meet at, hoping she would show up. I had been standing outside for a while. I was starting to think she'd ditched me, until a familiar brown haired figure appeared.

"Sorry I'm late," She said in between breaths. "That stupid hospital wouldn't let me out for some reason."

"No, it's fine." I assured her, opening the door. We walked inside and sat at a small table in the back of the restaurant.

"So, can you explain what the hell is going on?!" Courtney demanded.

"So remember the other day when Cody went missing?"

"Yeah, when I called you out for being a shitty boyfriend?"Courtney smirked.

I flipped her off. "Wonderful way of giving me confidence, shit head."

Courtney laughed a bit. "Anyway, continue."

"So basically, his dad got out of jail. Why, I don't know, I'll have to look into it. But I interviewed him, and he's being weird as fuck."

"There's no need for more wasted time, Noah." Courtney snapped. "It's obviously him. I mean, who else is always wanting Cody dead?" He waved her hands around in a motion as if she was casting a spell. "Cody's dad."

"Ok, that's literally what I was going to say. I know it's him." I said to Courtney.  "We just need to find where Cody is. I have no idea where he would be."

"Well, where's a place Cody's dad spends a lot of time?" Courtney asked.

"Hell, I don't know. Work I guess?"

Courtney and I continued our conversation, before a waitress at the restaurant came over to us.

"I see you two here a lot." She said randomly. She smiled, looking back and forth between us. "How long have you all been-"

"He has a boyfriend." Courtney blurted out. I stared at her, slightly upset.

"...Oh." The waitress took a few steps back before walking away.

"Homophobic asshole." Courtney whispered.

I turned back to Courtney. "Anyway, where were we?"

"Talking about where Cody's dad spends a lot of time at."

"Okay, so the only place I know he stays at a lot is work. But why the hell would he hide his kid at his work? Just 'Oh, don't mind me. Just stuffing my kid into my desk!'"

Courtney nodded. "That is kind of pointless. All we know is that he's obviously doing this on his own because Ben is dead and that's pretty much the only person he worked with."

"I don't see the point in going to his work or anything. But that means we have to ransack his office again." I sighed. "I don't wanna do that."

"And it'll probably be pointless. He probably hid things better since we found out so much stuff last time." Courtney pulled a notebook from her bag.

"Are we seriously taking notes?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Do you want to find Cody?"

I nodded quickly.

"Then let me do my thing."

Courtney started writing stuff down on a page in the notebook.

"Okay, so where do you say we look first?"Courtney asked.

"Uhh.." I started thinking.

"Hurry up!" Courtney shouted.

"I can't make my brain process faster!"

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