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{ we're starting with noah's pov bc i have more ideas for him than cody }

Noah's Pov -

Sometimes I feel as if Cody doesn't love me back anymore. I know how much he texts, saying he loves me, but I can't get rid of the feeling that he's just trying not to seem like an asshole.

I wish I could say stupid romantic things to him in other languages, even though I only knew two. It sounds so stupid, I know. But just think of how much Cody would like me then.

All we needed to do was fucking talk. I mean, it can't be that hard, right? Unless something actually happens.

I gave myself a minute to build up the  confidence, then I stepped out of my room and in front of Cody's door. I hesitated for a minute, before knocking.

"Who is it?" I heard him ask from the other side.

"Uh, it's Noah."

Cody slowly opened the door, staring at me awkwardly.


I stood in the doorway for a minute.

"Uh ... can I come in?"

"I guess." Cody said, stepping out of the way. I walked in at the clearly under decorated room. I mean, Cody has barely been here six hours.

"Uh, you good?" Cody asked. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

A laughed a little bit. "No."

"Finally, you aren't lying." Cody sighed. "You're an awful liar."

I cringed. "Thanks.."

"Now what did you want to talk about?"

I glanced around, panicking that I had made the wrong decision. I decided to just go for it.



"I really don't want to explain that again."

Cody's face lit up and he grabbed some random piece of paper on the ground. "I was gonna doodle on this, but write what you're trying to say down. It might be kind of cringy, but that might be a bit easier than having to say it out loud."

"Cody. This is so weird-"

"I'm not trying to make it weird, stupid. I'm trying to help." He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. My face became hot and I could tell it was red by the look I was getting from Cody. He let out a small laugh before handing me the pen and paper.

"Cody, do I seriously have to do this?"

"I want you to at least try and help me figure out what's going on because I don't want you to not help me and you try and kill yourself again."

I sighed and began to write onto the paper. Damn it this was embarrassing. At least I didn't have to actually talk.

I shoved the paper at Cody before quickly turning away. I didn't really want to see his face as he read.


I turned around and saw Cody's angered face.

"I knew it-"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner! I would've tried and gotten you help!"

"I don't want help, okay! Every time I've tried to get help I've always been told it's not a big deal. It clearly isn't a small problem when I have fucking scars all over my arms!"

"Noah, just uh, calm down?" Cody said as a poor attempt to make me feel better.

"I CAN'T JUST CALM DOWN." I screamed.

Cody's eyes went wide as he stared at me, horrified. I just fell onto the floor, trying not to cry in front of him. I had kind of already embarrassed myself enough.

Cody's Pov -

I wanted to help Noah. I really did. I just couldn't. Every time I at least tried to offer help, I just got yelled at!

I jumped onto the bed and laid down, when I heard Noah sit up.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"Sleeping." I responded. "It's five-thirty in the morning."

I rolled over and closed my eyes. I had barely been laying down five minutes when more noise woke me up.

"Noah what the hell are you-"

I turned around and Noah was laying right next to me. "Uh, I should go."

"You don't have to-"

Noah looked back at me and smiled. He immediately laid back down and grabbed my hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

{ Time Skip }

I heard the door open and immediately woke up.

"Cody, where is Noah because he isn't—oh."

I sat up and saw Noah's mom standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Uh.." I looked behind me at Noah with his arms wrapped around me.

"What did I just walk in on?" She asked.

"Well, uh-"

"Did you fuck?" She asked calmly.

"Eugh, no!" I shouted.

"Good." Noah's mom said. "I'm just gonna leave now, thanks." She shut the door behind her.

"Who was that?" Noah asked, yawning.

"Your mom. Asking if we had sex."


"Yeah, I know." I sat up an grabbed my phone. I had only gotten three hours of sleep.

"What day even is it?" Noah asked.

"Sunday I think."

"Damn it, we have to go to school tomorrow." Noah complained.

"We could just like, not go." I suggested.

"I don't wanna fail any classes." Noah said, rolling his eyes. "I wouldn't go if I didn't have to." He rolled back over, and in seconds he was asleep again. I kissed him on his cheek before sitting up to get ready, even though I was too tired and fell right back onto the bed. I was gonna leave Noah and give him his own space, so I just stayed on my side. But I didn't. I rolled right back over to Noah, and wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"I love you," I whispered.

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