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Cody's Pov -

I stared at my phone, half expecting a message from one of my parents. At least my mom, since I knew she was I alive and wasn't in jail.

I was pretty much hiding the fact that I wanted to talk to her. Even after all that I've went through at home the past sixteen years, I still felt like I needed to be respectful towards my parents. Even though they had no respect for me.

I should probably wait until I got home anyway, since I was literally sitting at a lunch table with people who would definitely talk me out of it. Also known as Noah and Courtney. I mean, none of them are paying attention, so-

"What're you doing?" Noah asked me. I jolted up, looking at him.

"Nothing," I responded quickly.

"You look like you wanna die."

I rolled my eyes at Noah, before burying my hands in my face. He placed his hand on my back.

"Is something bothering you-"

"I don't want to talk about it Noah."

Noah just sighed, returning to his book. I really felt like an asshole, but I really didn't want to talk about it. Even though Noah was still there, I decided to just go for it.

Chat: Mom

Me: Hey, I know we haven't talked in a while, but I just wanted to ask how you were. I just want you to know that I can still talk if you want me to.

I put my phone down, looking up at Noah and Courtney who were too busy doing their own things. I just laid my head down, waiting for my mom to text me back.

{ Time Skip }

I sat in history with Noah, impatiently waiting for the class to end. The teacher didn't look at us like she normally did, she seemed scared. Maybe after the whole talk about the situation with my dad, she couldn't see us the same way.

After class, Noah and I walked home, as usual.

"What were you all worried about at lunch earlier, Cody?" Noah asked. "I'm not trying to be pushy, I just wanna make sure you're okay."

I looked down, trying to hide my nervous face. "Well, uh, I may have texted my mom."

"Oh, really?" Noah said, slightly surprised. "I guess that's good."

"Really? I thought you'd be more .. upset, I guess?"

"I would be more concerned if you were talking to your dad."

I laughed a little bit.

"Have you gotten a response back?" Noah asked.

"No, not yet." I answered. "I kind of feel like she won't answer. I shivered slightly.

Noah put his arm around me. I'm sure she'll answer eventually.


I sat on my bed, listening to music. I had my headphones turned up too loud, I hadn't noticed the message I had received.

Noah entered my room. "What're you doing?"

I pulled my headphones off. "Nothing, really." Thats when I picked up my phone and noticed I got a message.

"Ooh, I have a message!" I said excitedly.

"Is it from your mom?"

I looked at the name listed. And my entire face lit up. I opened the message, yet as soon as the words processed my joyful expression faded.

"What is it?" Noah asked, looking concerned.

Chat: Mom

Mom: He's back, Cody.

Noah's Pov -

I didn't know what the message really meant, but I could see why Cody was so worried.

"What if it's-"

"Cody, he's in jail, and probably will be for a while." I wrapped my arms around Cody in a tight hug. "There's no way he could be out."

I could see small tears forming in Cody's eyes. I kissed him on the forehead, trying to calm him down.

"There is absolutely no way it's him Cody. Quit worrying."

Cody nodded slowly. He laid his head on my shoulder, still halfway crying. I ran my fingers through his hair, yet nothing I was doing was helping.

{ Time Skip }

Cody and I were walking to lunch with Courtney, talking about the message that Cody had gotten from his mom the night before.

"I would be terrified if that was me," Courtney said blatantly. "I mean, I'm pretty sure anyone would. Especially if it's not specified who it even is."

"I was terrified!" Cody yelled.

"Cody thinks it's his dad," I explained. "Even though that's not really possible since his dad is literally in jail right now."

"You don't know!" Courtney exclaimed. "He could've gotten out!"

"After only two weeks!" I shouted.

We walked over and sat at our usual table. Cody wasn't talking much, and I couldn't blame him. After everything that had happened, I probably would stay silent.

Lunch seemed to go by fast, and Cody was in a much better mood afterwards.

"Can I walk with you to class?" Cody asked. "Our classes are fairly close to each other."


Cody grabbed my hand and we started walking. We talked for a while, before Cody froze.


Cody turned to me. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"It sounded like glass breaking."

I shrugged. "It's probably some kids being idiots."

We continued walking, almost forgetting about the weird sound from a minute ago.

That was until I heard the gunshot.

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