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Noah's Pov -

I stared at my phone in horror, not sure what to say or do.

"What is it?!" Courtney said frantically. I just turned the phone to Courtney, letting her observe the message.

"What the..." Courtney whispered. "And it was sent from Cody's phone, so now we don't even know who sent it!"

"All I know is that whoever knows where Cody is, has his phone. Write that on the thing."

Courtney typed on her laptop, and I looked around the coffee shop. I wouldn't be surprised if people were staring at us, as we were discussing the fact that my boyfriend could've easily been kidnapped a few days ago.

"So, what do we do?" Courtney asked. "I mean, we obviously can't report it to the police, because Cody's parents will make a big deal out of it. And, Cody's dad already hates you enough he'll think you did it."

I slammed my head on the table. "I love having a boyfriend with abusive and homophobic parents."

"Stop whining!" Courtney demanded. "We need to actually do something before something really bad happens to Cody."

"I feel like I'm in a suspense movie right now," I remarked sarcastically.

"Well I guess I won't tell you my plan."

I perked up. "You can continue."

"So basically, while he's on the football field with his friends at lunch, Ben always leaves his phone laying out. I was thinking, maybe if we can get it while he's outside, we can see if anything on his phone has anything to do with this."

"Great idea," I stated. "But how is no one gonna see?"

"No one even goes near his table Noah. They're all too busy worrying how bad he's gonna beat them up if they get within a ten foot radius of him."

"Right. So is that our plan?"

"Unless you had something better in mind."

"I think we'll stick with yours."

{ Time Skip }

The next day at lunch, I awaited Courtney's arrival. The second she got close, I stood up.

"Are they outside yet?"

"I think so."

I looked over at Ben's empty table and saw one phone sitting on it. Trying to get it over with quickly, I ran over to the table, grabbed his phone, and came back to Courtney.

She gave me a small round of applause. "You need a medal for your services."

"Haha, anyway, what should we look at first?"

"Notepad!" Courtney exclaimed. "It should have some information on it."

I opened the notepad to see two notes. One containing random coordinates, and the other, a phone number.

"Whose number is that?" Courtney wondered.

"I'm not sure. The area code is nowhere near here."

"Should we trace it? Like, the area code?"

"I guess," I responded. I looked up the area code to see where it was from.

"It says it's from Saskatchewan," I answered. "Isn't that all the way across the country?"

"Yeah..." Courtney said. "Where did Cody move from?"

"I'm not sure, he never told me." I answered.

"I was thinking it could be one of his parents' numbers." Courtney said. "Since they'd had a different area code since, well, they moved."

I just nodded. "Should we look at the messages?"


I clicked off of the notes app and onto the messages app, where he had a lot of unread messages.

???: Ben aren't you sure you're taking this too far? I'm not even sure what the kid did but this is too much.

Ben: Relax, it's not that bad.

???: Ben, what you're doing right now is illegal. You have no idea how long you could go to jail for!

Ben: Okay, and? I don't care.

???: What did this kid even do to you?

Ben: Nothing really. I just don't like him.

???: You need to shut this down right now, Ben.

???: Ben?

Courtney and I looked at each other awkwardly after reading the messages.

"Well, that was weird." Courtney whispered. "Check the other messages."

I clicked on another message from an unknown contact.

Ben: Hey, is this Cody's dad?

???: I'm sorry, who are you?

Ben: I'm your sons friend, Ben. I was hoping you could let me in later today? Me and Cody are studying together.

???: Oh, sure.

I placed the phone down before turning to Courtney. "He tricked Cody's dad into letting him inside."

"This is so weird..." Courtney trailed off in an echo type voice. "We definitely know who did it, but we don't even know what 'it' is."

"We can figure that out tomorrow. For now, let's just put Ben's phone back." I ran back over to the table and placed Ben's phone back before quickly walking back to Courtney and I'd table.

"I'm starting to get seriously worried." Courtney said warily. "Whatever is going on here must be bad, because one of the mystery people told Ben what he was doing was illegal."

"Do you think they ... do you think they killed Cody?" I whispered.

"The way they talked, it seemed like he was still alive." Courtney said. "Maybe we could go to Cody's house tomorrow and look for stuff. Like clues and things."

"Maybe." I said, my thoughts drifting away from the actual conversation. Damn it Cody, where ever you are, I hope you're okay.


I laid in my bed, facing the ceiling that night, unable to sleep. I don't want Cody to be dead, I repeated over and over again, as if it was a form of manifestation. I didn't want the only thing I cared about and the only reason I stayed at this point to be dead. But the way Ben seemed, there were very few chances he was alive. Then I got a text. Once again under cody's name. even though I knew it wasn't him. But I was easily proven wrong.

cody ml <33: noah, help me.

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