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Noah's Pov-

I stared out the window the entire time we drove to the hospital. It began to rain on the drive their, and the rain made the mood seemingly worse. I looked down at Cody's head on my lap and couldn't help but start to cry. I was going to find out who or what did this to Cody, and no one could stop me. Even though it was quite obvious it who it was.

I could see the lights of the hospital growing brighter as we approached. My mom had already called the hospital, and a group of doctors were waiting outside. I barely got out of the car before I was shoved out of the way. They grabbed Cody from the car and took him inside. We walked in behind them, where we were forced to sit in the waiting room. I sat down on one of the uncomfortable leather chairs, and just waited.

{ Time Skip }

I had fallen back asleep in the waiting room, and when I woke up my head was slumped over on a wooden table. I felt I tap on my shoulder, from my mom.

"We're going home now, Noah."

"Where's Cody?"

"They already took him to the car."

"That's kinda weird."

We walked outside to the car. I got in the backseat, and next to me, was Cody.

He smiled at me. "Hey."

"I forgot my keys, damn it," My mom said. "I need to go back inside."

She left the car, and walked back inside, leaving me and Cody alone.

"Are you ok?" I asked Cody.

"Oh yeah," Cody said. "It's a bit better. I have a level four concussion though."

"Is that bad?!"

"I think."

Cody looked out the window for a minute.

"Why did he do it?" Cody asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm starting to remember a bit, but not much. Why did my dad throw me on a bookshelf?"

"I don't know," I told Cody. "At least your better now." I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Stop it," Cody laughed.

"I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend," I replied.

Cody smiled at me. "You definitely are."

He leaned towards me and our lips met. Then I heard the car door open.

"No make out sessions in my car, Noah." I heard my mom say through laughter.

"But we-"

"No excuses, fruitcake," My mom said, starting the car.

{ Time Skip }

We pulled back into our driveway, and the sun was starting to rise. I stepped out of the car and helped Cody into the house and into the guest bedroom. He laid down on the bed.

"Can you leave me alone?" Cody asked. "Not trying to be rude i'm just really tired."

"Of course, beautiful."

"Stop trying to be romantic"


I kissed Cody on the cheek, then walked to my room to finally get some sleep.

Cody's Pov -

When I woke up, my head was still pounding. The doctor had told me I wasn't allowed to do anything except rest, which was pretty boring. I heard a buzz from my phone, and I picked it up knowing I wasn't supposed to be on it.

Chat: Mom
Mom: Cody please come home, your father and I are worried.

Me: Clearly you don't care too much, since I had to get treated for a level four concussion. Tell Dad I said thanks.

Mom: What?! Cody please tell me what happened.

Mom: Cody?

Mom: Cody please answer.

I placed my phone down and rolled back over, falling asleep once again.


I woke up and saw Noah standing in the doorway with a cup in his hand.

"Noah, I said to leave me alone. I'm tired."

"I just brought you some water."

I took the cup and took a drink, then sat it down.

"Are you ok?"

"Noah, I've said it so many times. I'm fine."

"You just scared me, ok!" Noah exclaimed. "I didn't want you to die."

"It felt like it..." I said slowly. "Remind me to never let someone throw me at a bookshelf again."

Noah laughed a little bit. "I just want you to know I care about you."

"Does that mean being my personal nurse?"

"Yes it does."


Noah sat on the end of the bed. "Do you want me to stay in here with you?"

"You're sleeping on the floor."

"Let me get a pillow."

Noah left the room and came back with a pillow. He placed it on the floor and went to sleep quickly. I laughed, rolling back over and going to sleep as well.

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