Guilt (angst?)

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Cody's Pov -

Noah's mom stared at us for a minute before turning her head to the living room.

"Go to your rooms."

"Is Noah out there?"

"Just go."

She turned her head back to us.

"What the hell did you do."


I sat on the couch awkwardly, with Noah and Courtney next to me.

"You all need to explain what happened so I can decide whether or not to call your parents."

My eyes widened and I looked down, trying to avoid the sentence.

"Uh, I guess I could start." Noah said. "Cody and I kind of had this stalker that kept taking pictures and stuff of us, and he started to make a plan with Cody's dad."

"And what was this plan?"

Noah gave me a look before sighing. "They wanted to murder Cody. And so they tried to poison him, thinking it worked, but it didn't. Even though they kinda convinced me they kidnapped him and said he was alive which I guess was to disappoint me when I actually found him dead. It didn't work, and Courtney and I found him. And then, this whole incident happened, and now we're here."

Noah's mom looked at us like we were insane, before she saw the bullet sticking out of Noah's arm and the massive rip on Courtney's side.

"Are you okay?"

Noah looked at his still bleeding wound. "Nah ... I'm fine. It doesn't even ... hurt that bad."

"We're gonna have to go the hospital-"

Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes.

"What!" Noah's mom yelled. "Noah, and whatever your name is—"

"It's Courtney."

"Ok. Noah and Courtney got shot, Cody probably has a broken nose and at least one broken rib, and you don't want to go to the hospital."

Noah and I exchanged glances. "We don't have the best experiences there."

{ Time Skip }

I hated this damn hospital. It reminded me of the bookshelf incident, Noah's attempt, and now whatever the hell this is. Every time we came in, the nurses and everyone else working there seemed slightly more concerned. Noah's mom had us sit down while she was whispering something to the nurse. I had a feeling it was something to do with my dad, I just never mentioned.

I felt Noah move his hand slowly over to mine. He looked away, I guess to make it look like an accident. Who was he trying to hide it from? His parents know we're dating and are fine with it, and Courtney has a girlfriend too...

Which is when the doors to the waiting room opened and some tall goth girl entered. She ran over to us and shook Noah. "Where the hell is Courtney!"

"Right next to me, dumbass."

I leaned over to Noah. "Is that Courtney's girlfriend?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I think her name is Gwen. I don't know, I haven't talked to her much."

Gwen was talking to Courtney, obviously panicking. Courtney tried to explain that she was fine, even though it was obvious she wasn't. Noah's mom was still talking to the lady at the front desk, and they both repeatedly looked back at us.

Noah's mom walked over. "Who is this?" Sh asked, pointing to Gwen.

"Oh, she's my girlfriend." Courtney explained.

Noah's mom threw her hands in the air. "God damn it why is everyone here gay!"

{ Time Skip bc I'm too lazy to write this Scene }

Noah's Pov -

Cody and I sat in the very back of my moms car. Gwen and Courtney sat in the middle, just talking and maybe slightly flirting. I heard them giggle every few seconds after I heard some poor attempt at flirting.

Cody just kind of stared at the back of the seat in front of him, not really paying attention. His face was a pool of anxiousness and ... depression? I couldn't really tell. When he was upset, Cody's face was extremely hard to read.

I tried to subtly move my hand over to Cody's, but every time he just jerked his hand towards him. Had I done something wrong? I was just trying to help him.


He didn't look over at me, and I started to think a little too much about Cody's silence. He hadn't done anything wrong, it was clearly something I had done, since he was choosing not to talk to me. I tried thinking back on my previous actions to think of anything stupid I had said to Cody, yet my thoughts were blank.

Was Cody mad that I had saved him? I mean, why would he want to stay in that place anymore after what his parents had done to him. I was only trying to protect him!

Or was I just simply doing too much. Cody had always gotten angry with me for doing too much for him, but I really just wanted to help. After all that he had been through, I didn't want him going through it alone.

Fuck, what am I even thinking! I worry too much about Cody and too little about myself. Sometimes I forget my own damn name.

We dropped Gwen and Courtney off at Courtney's house, before driving a bit further down the road to my house. When we got there, I stepped out of the car and walked straight up to my room. I shut and locked the door, and sat with my knees to my chest in front of my bed. I saw Cody's shoes walk by and stall in front of my door from the small gap between it and the floor. After a minute or so of standing there he walked off towards the guest bedroom. I started to hear him quietly cry, but I was too caught up in my own emotions to be able to help him. I felt like a fucked up person.

{ generally felt so bad writing this scene :(   }

It was my fault we all ended up in this mess. Hell, if I hadn't of had that stupid crush on Cody the second he walked into class two months ago, I wouldn't have attempted and he wouldn't have almost gotten murdered by his own father.

So in case someone tries to prove me wrong, you're the idiot, because I'm right. Even though that was ninety percent of my thought process.

I heard my phone go off in my pocket, and I opened it to see that I'd recieved a message from Cody.

Chat: cody ml <33

cody ml <33: r u okay noah? i havent rlly heard u talk or anything and i js wanted to make sure <3

Me: oh yeah i'm fine

I felt guilt stab me a little harder each time I lied to Cody. Even if it was the slightest thing, it just felt horrible lying to him like that, despite how he was completely oblivious to it.

My eyes fell on a certain drawer I kept sealed with a random lock I had gotten somewhere I can't even remember. I walked mindlessly over to it and started messing with the code, hopefully I remembered it even though it had been two years.

I successfully opened it, staring down at the items inside. God damn it, was I really stupid enough to do this after two years?

Yes. Yes I was.

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