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Cody's Pov -

It had been around a month since we got back from Vancouver. I was still living with Noah, but now that my dad was finally arrested, I was about to move back in with my mom.

I was packing my things when Noah walked in.

"You sure you'll be okay?" He asked.

"I'll be fine."

"I just don't want some psychotic bitch trying to kill you like the last three times."

I laughed a bit. "I just hope they don't make the mistake of letting him out again."

Noah walked over and kissed the top of my head. "I'm sure they won't."

I laughed again, a small blush spreading across my cheeks.

I picked up a sweater and put it in my bag, forgetting it was the one I had taken from Noah.

"Dude, that's my sweater!"

"Don't you mean our sweater?"

He rolled his eyes. "Just give it back to me eventually."

"Fine." I smiled.


Once I got back to my house, I texted Noah to tell him, "Hey dude, i just got home and i haven't been murdered yet ^^"

Chat: hottest man ever

Me: noah i made it home and i havent gotten murdered ^^

hottest man ever: cool

Me: damn not even happy

hottest man ever: sorry lol

Me: anyway i forgot what my room looked like lmao

Me: it's small af

hottest man ever: you're such an idiot

Me: but you love me

hottest man ever: true ig

hottest man ever: can i come over and make out with you


hottest man ever: i'm being serious i wanna kiss u rn

Me: if ur that desperate u can come over ig

Me: i'll leave my window open, there's a ladder under it

hottest man ever: let's hope i don't fall out :3

A little while later, I was sitting on my bed when I heard something.

"Hey Cody—AH-"

Noah fell forward out of the window, hitting his head on the floor.

"Damn, how romantic." I laughed.

Noah lifted his hand up and flipped me off before standing up.


He walked over to me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"I love you."

"I can tell."

I laid a soft kiss on Noah's cheek before laying my head down on his shoulder.

Noah pushed me away slightly. "I forgot, one second."

He pulled a small envelope out of his pocket, handing it to me. On the front, in Noah's neat handwriting, my name was written.


I at Noah and smiled. His face was red, and he put one of his hands behind his neck.

I opened the envelope gently, trying not to rip it. Inside was a small photo that looked like it had been taken from a portable camera. On the bottom a small note was written.

School Dance, 20XX
The day I actually fell in love.

I looked up at Noah, who's eyes were shut tight.

"Just say it. I know it's cringe."

I placed a hand on Noah's cheek. "I think it's adorable."

I stood up slightly taller and put my lips against Noah's before pulling back.

"Sorry if that was too sudden."

"Don't worry about it."

Noah's Pov -

I decided, "You know what? Fuck it. I'm staying at Cody's house tonight."

He made me watch some stupid movie, which he claimed to be a cinematic masterpiece. This shit didn't make sense.

"So her exes are all teaming up to kill some scrawny kid in an indie rock band with maybe four fans?"


"How is this movie even considered good when the plot sucks ass?"

"Just shut up and watch it."

Around an hour and a half later, the movie ended, which I was thankful for, but Cody wasn't done.

"Wanna read the books?"

"There's books?!"

Cody placed a stack of six books in front of me, smiling.

"I've read all of them at least twice."

"Damn, you read?"

"Only graphic novels because my brain can't comprehend actual words."

Cody handed me the first book. "You can borrow it if you want, just don't break the spine or rip the pages, these are my favorite."


I sat the book down next to me, and Cody sat all the others to the side. He laid down on my chest, sighing.

"I never realized how gay we are." He said randomly.

I let out a small laugh. "I mean, we are two guys. And we kiss a lot. And Im letting you lay on top of me so that's super gay."

"Damn we a whole box of froot loops."

I laughed again, running my hands through Cody's hair. I kissed him on the forehead.

"You're making me all blushy."

I smiled at Cody's sentence. He smiled at me as well, that massive gap between his teeth shining brightly. I cant believe I've never noticed it before, as much as he smiles at me.

"I've never seen that gap in your teeth before." I said blankly.


"It's cute." I said softly.

Cody blushed a bit. He leaned up and kissed me, putting his hands on the sides of my face. I kissed him back, feeling my face grow hot. I held him close during our kiss, enjoying every moment.

I know I've probably been a dick to Cody in the past, and he might've said some shit that made him an asshole. But at least he still loved me. It sounds cringy as fuck, but he's one of the very few people who actually respect me. He can be annoying as shit, but he's still cute. Looking at him as he kissed me, I realized that this was the twink I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I looked at him again, smiling widely as we kissed. Cody slowly pulled away, staring at me with loving eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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