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Cody's Pov -

I looked at Noah, confused. "What do you mean someone's watching us? There's no one around?"

"Cody I don't even know what's going on right now but someone just airdropped everyone a video of me kissing your forehead."

"Wait you kissed my forehead?"

"You were asleep dumbass."

Noah stood up and looked around. "I have no idea who this is but we have to go now."

He grabbed my hand and dragged me through the hallways.

"Are you not getting your stuff?" I asked Noah when we walked by the classroom.

"I can get it tomorrow," He insisted, bursting through the doors. "Where is your dads car?"

I pointed to a black car parked outside of the school. Noah pulled me towards the car and swung open the doors. He jumped inside and slammed the door.

"Hey Cody! Is this your boyfriend?"

"Dad quit making it awkward, and just drive us home."

"Noah, do you want me to drive you home?"

"Uh, no thanks, I can just tell my parents I'm staying at your house for the afternoon."

{ Time Skip }

I sat on my bed while Noah paced around the room.

"Are you okay-"

"I'm fine."

I looked at Noah awkwardly while he stressed about whoever took that video.

"Noah, just quit worrying-"

"I'm not worrying."

"You're pacing around my room like crazy, you're sweating, you're clearly not okay."

"I just don't want to go through what I did a few years ago again. All i'm hoping is that they only sent to Courtney."

"I highly doubt that," I mumbled. "But anyway who do you think did it?"

"Cody, how the hell am I supposed to know who took that video when we know nothing except they sent it to some people."

"Well maybe we can think of people that kinda talk to Courtney a bit, they might know to send it to her," I suggested. "You've went to this school longer than me. Who does Courtney hang out with."

"Well she has a girlfriend-"


"Yeah, some goth girl. I think her name is Gwen or something."

"Well, if they're gay, they know not to expose us for being gay, so it can't be whoever Gwen is."

"Right." Noah said.

"Does Courtney have any other people she talks to? Exes, friends, people like that?"

"Uhh, there was this other guy, but I think he moved. He was kinda weird. I think he sold drugs or something."

"...Oh. Do you remember his name?"

"No, he was really forgetful. And I never went with him because he was in jail for almost killing a kid once. I didn't wanna die, okay?"



"What connection did he have with Courtney?"

"I think they dated for a bit, but Courtney broke up with him because he was a psycho."


"I think I remember his name."

I gasped. "What is it?"


Noah's Pov -

Cody's face fell. "Who the heck names they're kid Dustin! That sound like a name for a desert."

"The dustin desert?"


Cody fell back onto his bed. "Why did someone even decide, 'oh, two gay dudes! let me take a video of it and send it to Courtney because she obviously knows they're gay!'"

"You're logic isn't making sense, Cody."

"How do you even think Dustin Desert is taking these videos when he's probably in jail!"

I sighed. "He was weird, okay? He seems like the guy to do that."

"We love stalkers." Cody said. He rolled over on his side and closed his eyes. I jumped onto Cody's bed and crawled up behind him. I wrapper my arms around him, and he turned around and glared at me.

"What are you doing."

"I don't know."

We sat there for a minute before my phone buzzed. I opened it up and saw a notification from my text messages.

Notification: You have been added to a new group chat.


I went to my messages and saw a group chat with random numbers I didn't know. I just rolled my eyes and put my phone down. Someone just probably got the wrong number when they made the group chat. It's probably nothing. I rolled back over and fell asleep.




"Hm?" I said, waking up. When my eyes adjusted, Cody was just staring at my phone laying on the bed.

"You're phone keeps going off."

"I'll put it on silent real quick." I picked up the phone to see a text from the mystery group chat.

Notification: Unknown Chat: Attachment - 1 Image.

I clicked on the notification, and my heart stopped when I saw the message. I felt all blood disappear, and my whole body went cold.

"What is it Noah?"

The image that has been sent was a picture of Cody and I just seconds ago, asleep.

"Uhh.." I just pointed the phone in his face.

"Oh my god..."

"Cody, whoever this is, is in your house right now."

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