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Cody's Pov -
I sat in the car awkwardly with my dad as he drove me to school.

"So, did you hear about the dance coming up?" He asked.

I froze. "D-dance?"

"Yeah!" He said excitedly. "Do you have a girl to go with?"

I looked at my feet and the first person that popped into my head was Noah. "No," I answered.

"That's a shame," He said. "Maybe you'll find one today!"

"Yeah," I whispered, grabbing my backpack. "I got to go dad, see you after school."

I stepped out of the car to see Noah waiting for me.

"Hey!" Noah said, waving to me. "Sorry I didn't text much last night."

"It's fine," I stated, walking with him towards my first class. I waved at Noah before sitting down, waiting for the last class.

{ Time Skip }

I sprinted from the band room all the way to history, where I sat down and awaited Noah to come into class. Noah was the second to enter (other than me) and immediately came and sat down.

"Hey," Noah said, sitting down. "Did you hear about the dance?"

"Yeah," I whispered. "I don't really want to go."

"I think it's mandatory." Noah sighed.

"A mandatory dance?!" I cried. "That's so stupid!"

"The principal thinks it's a way for students to 'get out of their shell' or something like that."

I groaned, throwing myself back in my chair. "I don't wanna gooooo..."

"Quit whining," Noah snapped. "You can always go with me." He winked at me.

I laughed. "Nice joke Noah!"

Noah's face went blank. "Yeah. Joke."

"Was it not a joke..?" I asked in a hushed voice. " you like me?"

Noah shook his head. "God, no! It's just a joke Noah. I might be gay but I don't like you."

"Ah," I said. "Ok then."

We continued to talk until a we felt as if someone was watching us.

"Boys, you've been talking the entire lesson. A lot of the students are having trouble focusing, so if you aren't quiet, I will have to write you up."

Miss Smith was standing over us.

"Oh, sorry," Noah apologized.

"You used to be such a good student, Noah!" Miss Smith cried. "Now with Cody in here, you never focus!" She sighed and walked back to the front of the classroom and began the lesson. I watched Noah throw his head on the desk and couldn't help but giggle.

When the lesson was finally over, Noah and I walked out to our lockers and got our stuff.

"Hey, Cody?" Noah asked.


"Do you want to come to my house this weekend? We've been friends for a bit and I didn't really know if you wanted to."

I paused for a moment. "Sure!"

"Cool!" Noah said excitedly. "I'll ask my parents if you can come."

"Great!" I said.

We walked outside and parted ways, and I headed to my dad's car.

{ Time Skip }

I sat at the dinner table with my parents, eating dinner.

"So, son," My dad said out of nowhere. "Have you thought of anyone to ask to that dance yet?"

"Dad!" I yelled. "Why do you keep pestering me about it?!"

"I just want to know if you've found the lovely lady yet," He insisted. "You are about to graduate."

"Yeah!" I shouted. "In more than a year!"

"Oh, honey, quit talking about it." Mother said. "I'm sure he'll find her soon."

I pushed myself back from the table. "I'm going to my room."

"Cody-" Mother called as I stomped upstairs.

I fell on my bed and screamed into my pillow. I couldn't tell them who I wanted to ask.

Because I wanted to ask Noah.

Noah's Pov -
I sat on my desk, re-writing the note I wanted to give to Cody over and over again. I couldn't perfect it to the way I wanted, but I'd never had a natural talent with words.

"You okay in here?" I heard my mom say from outside my room.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm good." I replied. "Just doing ... uh ... homework."

"Ok," She said. "I have some pasta downstairs when you want it."

"Thanks," I whispered, slamming my head to my desk.

I decided to grab my phone and text Cody.

Chat: codyyy

Me: hey cody

codyyy: yeah?

Me: can you meet me at the park? I wanna talk.

codyyy: sure! is smth wrong?

Me: no, i'm just bored

codyyy: oki :]

{ At the Park }

I was waiting on a bench under the tree when I saw Cody pulling on his jacket as he ran towards me.

"Jesus, it's cold," Cody complained. "How long have you been here?"

"About an hour," I said nonchalantly. "I live about five minutes from here."

"And you're not cold?"


"You must be immune or something."

We shared a laugh as Cody sat down on the bench next to me. The street lamps across the street flickered on, illuminating our faces.

"So, why did you want to meet me here?" Cody asked.

"I was just bored," I lied. "I didn't know if you were busy."

"No, my parents are working." Cody responded. "They're always working so if you ever want to hand out let me know."

"Nice," I said smiling. I started to stare at my feet, and it went silent for a few moments.

"You good Noah?" Cody questioned, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I lied once again. "But Cody.."


I took a deep breath.

"I like you."

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