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( Small A/N, this chapter gets kinda gory so if u don't like that then skip this)

Noah's Pov -

I stepped back in through the broken window, waiting on Courtney behind me. I crept out of the door and towards the basement one.

"Are you ready?"

I breathed in and then out, accepting the fact that Cody could very well be dead. I opened the door, and a cold wind that drafted up made me shudder.

I slowly walked down the stairs, trying not to make much noise. Until my phone buzzed my stupid ass ringtone. I opened it up and saw a message from cody.

cody ml <33: i hear you

Me: wait what

cody ml <33: you're really loud

Me: shit, how loud?

cody ml <33: not that loud, i cant rlly hear you

Me: good. anyway where the hell are you?

cody ml <33: i can't tell. it's really dark

Me: everywhere is dark in this damn basement

cody ml <33: wait i know where I am

Me: where?

cody ml <33: a closet i think

Me: ofc ur in a closet

cody ml <33: sthu

I turned back to Courtney.

"Was that Cody? How did he get his phone?"

"Maybe whoever had it dropped it."

I crept down the stairs slower and onto the concrete basement floor. The walls down here were half built, the insulation showing. I heard a small bang and I saw a door in the corner of the room shake. Another bang happened, and the door shook even more.

I approached it slowly, looking back at Courtney nervously.

"Just open it!" She yelled. "Get it out of the way!"

"I don't wanna dieeeee!"

"You did a week ago."

I eyed Courtney angrily before slowly turning the doorknob. I barely got it open before something jumped out at me. I screamed and kicked my legs, before I realized it was Cody, thinking I was someone else.



I immediately pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around him.

"I thought you died!" I cried. Cody hugged me back. We sat there for a minute before I heard Courtney sigh.

"Can y'all stop being gay and actually leave??" Courtney huffed.

"Fine. But I am kissing you when we get home."


We stood up and walked towards the steps until I heard the basement door open.



"Get that closet," I said, running over to it. I was too late because I could already hear footsteps running down the stairs.

"Cody, go!"

"GO WHERE." Cody shouted a little too loudly. My eyes widened and I grabbed his arm, preparing to run. Until I heard the noise of a gun.

"Uh...guys??" Courtney whispered, backing away.

The footsteps got even louder and I reached back and grabbed Cody's hand.

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