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Noah's Pov -

Everyone was staring at Courtney and I as we went through the airport. I mean, we did look kind of young to be flying alone. But we don't look that young, do we?

"Where are your parents, honey?" Some random lady asked me.

"They're not here."

"Oh, you look kind of young to be flying alone."

"Shut up."

The lady scowled at Courtney and I as we walked off.

"Noah you need to quit yelling at people or were gonna get on the no fly list." Courtney snapped.

"That's not how it works, honey."

We continued to walk through the airport until we reached our gate all the way in the back. There weren't many people there, but that was probably because we had three damn hours until we left.

When we sat down, Courtney pulled out her phone and started texting someone. My nosy ass leaned over to see who she was texting.

"Soooo," I said. "Who you texting?"

"My mom, telling her we're going to Vancouver."

"Courtney you can't tell anyone because Cody's dad will find out then he'll know we're trying to find him and then kill us."


"If anyone finds out we're trying to find Cody, Cody's dad could easily find out and want us dead too."

I looked up, and a bunch of people were staring at us. Their faces looked distraught when they heard our conversation.

"Quit talking so loud, Noah!" Courtney whisper shouted.

"I'm not trying to!" This time I actually shouted.

Even more people started to stare at us, so I shut my mouth. I shot an angry glare at Courtney before I returned to acting somewhat normal.


"So, why are you two traveling to Vancouver?" The attendant asked while scanning our tickets.

"Family emergency."

"Oh, what happened?"

"My grandma is dead."

The attendant just looked at Courtney and I with wide eyes, slowly handing us out tickets back.

"Have a nice flight."

We grabbed our tickets and walked through the tunnel (or whatever they're called) towards the plane.

"The look in her face when you said your grandma is dead was priceless."

I rolled my eyes. "She didn't even say 'sorry for your loss.' How rude."

Courtney laughed. We continued to walk down the tunnel thing until we reached the plane and looked for our seats. It didn't take very long, as they were pretty much in the very front of the plane.

I grabbed my headphones and started listening to some random ass playlist I had from like a year ago. The music on it wasn't bad, but some of it was complete shit.

Pretty soon they were doing the emergency escape thing or whatever, telling us what to do if the plane just caught on fire. The plane started to take off. I smiled a bit, I was so stupidly happy.

Because if he's alive, I'll finally see Cody again.

{ A/N: Short ass chapter, i didn't have any ideas lmao, but the next one will be longer :3 }

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