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In which you rebuild with friends
And get into trouble with a friend
In an ancient city


The soft glow of dawn cast a warm hue over Pogtopia, where (Y/N) lay peacefully asleep on her cot. Technoblade, ever vigilant, approached with careful steps, his gaze lingering on her serene form. The surrounding forest echoed with the awakening sounds of nature, a stark contrast to the conflicts that brewed in the waking world.

"Why are you even here?"

"Friends look out for each other." His response carried the weight of unspoken bonds, and the first rays of sunlight illuminated the silent determination etched across his face.

"She's done nothing for you."

"Leaving her alone with Tommy and Wilbur? Bold move. They'll get her killed."

"Their election is why she's in this mess."

"She can handle it. She's resourceful and cunning, she can handle herself."

"But she's so smol."

As Techno considered the delicate balance of alliances, a hint of concern crept into his thoughts.

"What about Schlatt? Thugs are lurking about in Manburg."

"She doesn't wear armour."

"She could get beat up again."

"Or worse."

"Don't let them near her."

"That's why I need to gather resources. We can't afford to be caught off guard." His eyes lingered on (Y/N), a silent vow to ensure her safety amidst the looming shadows of Manburg.

"Tommy can be reckless. What if something happens?"

"She'll be fine," Techno assured.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as Techno weighed the risks and rewards, the delicate intricacies of alliances and friendships playing out in the quiet of dawn.

With each step he took away from (Y/N)'s slumbering form, a silent promise resonated within him. The voices continued their murmured counsel, a cacophony of conflicting thoughts that mirrored the internal battles he faced.

"What if she can't handle it? What if she gets hurt again?"

The thought made Techno nervous but he needed to have faith, she's smart enough to survive the nether without armour she can outwit Schlatts goons "she'll handle it, and if I get good materials I'll make sure she's safe." He had no idea when the voices became so attached to her.

Techno's path led him away, heading toward the nether to collect the resources they needed. The forest seemed to whisper its approval, the sanctuary of rebellion acknowledging the unspoken vows that bound them together.

"Leaving her alone might be a risk."

The dawn unfolded, shadows giving way to light, and amidst the awakening world, Techno ventured into the nether, his purpose clear. The echoes of dawn lingered, a prelude to the battles that awaited, and the unspoken bonds of Pogtopia stood resilient against the trials that loomed ahead.


(Y/N) awoke to the soft rustle of leaves outside the cot in Pogtopia's infirmary. The morning sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a gentle glow on the surroundings. A sense of determination kindled within her, and she realized that while others had set out on their missions, there was something she needed to do as well.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now