The Betrayal

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(Author's Note: Just one thing I want to say, all those who misunderstood the chapter's name and what is gonna happen, you guys really don't trust me, we already know what betrayal is gonna happen)


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In a dark lited room, One can see a fatass Man raping a young girl about 10 years old, he moved his hips enjoying the feeling of the soft pussy of the girl wrapping around his cock, the girl lay emotionless as if dead but on observing one can see she isn't dead but just doesn't want to defy the man anymore.

It had been a whole year since the man had kidnapped her and made her into his sex slave, he would often rape her brutally and beat her if she tries to fight against him, but by now she had understood that if she lets him do whatever he wants to her without any defiance he won't beat her. It wasn't difficult for her considering she had already become numb to the pain near her crotch.

The man continued moving his hips, and then looking at the girl who moved her hips cooperating with him to make him come early, a disgusting smile came on his face but seeing the hair of the girl which looked a bit bluish, bad memories resurfaced in his mind, he jolted back felling out of the bed, with fear he stood up and breathed heavily.

The girl became confused by his actions, the fat man snorted and said," Listen Bitch get the fuck out of here!", the girl nodded fearfully and did what he said trying her best to leave the room, but stumbled due to the pain in her crotch and whole body, the fat man became angry seeing this and kicked her making her fall on the ground.

"Get the fuck out of here!!", he shouted causing the girl to quickly run away despite all the pain she is experiencing, she feared that the man would kill him if she stays any longer causing the response in her body to occur giving her enough strength to run away. The fatass man then kicked on the chair and angrily shouted," Mere Insect?! Me a mere Insect?! That bitch!".

A person came to the door and looked at the fat man venting his anger, he shook his head and said," Darius, stop with this, venting out your anger like this isn't going to help us", Darius stopped his act and then taking towel he wears it and said," Your Majesty I am angry! A mere Noble women tortured me and almost killed me last time".

The prince shook his head and said," You should be grateful that she at least left you alive otherwise you would have been dead", Darius gritted his teeth hearing that and said," Your Majesty, I am the Prime Minister of the Asura Kingdom, not to mention commoner women even Noble women are sex slaves for me and a way to vent my lust! But now a bitch who was previously commoner comes not only defying me but almost killing me as well".

Grabel walked inside the room and said," So what do you want to do? Contact Reida, your lover to get revenge on the woman, Minerva?", Darius became silent hearing that, he knew he could do that if he that desperate, Reida, the current Water God is his old lover, and even now their relationship is very good, the other party can even sacrifice his life for him.

This is where his confidence comes from! In his younger days when he wasn't the Prime Minister of the Asura Kingdom, he saved a beautiful girl from the retribution of young Nobles who wanted to cut off her arms, he did this only because he was enchanted by her beauty and later on made love with her, satisfying his carnal desires.

After getting bored though, he broke up with her and met her again after a few years when she was a Water God instructor, he didn't remember her that time since to him she was just a fling he had years ago and by then he had changed a lot, from a normal pervert to a person who does vile things to satisfy his desires.

After knowing her strength he pretended to remember her and took her to become the Royal Palace instructor, as time passed he finally remembered her and his fling, and their relationship further solidified, she is his subordinate now and he can order her if he wants to, though most of the time she is busy teaching her granddaughter it won't be much of a problem to him.

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