The Preparations for the War

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3rd Pov

In a Grand Hall, full of luxurious Furnitures, with walls full of intricate in carvings. A throne was at the platform which was slightly raised compared to the rest of the room. The Throne itself was made of Gold with precious gemstones embedded in it. The seat of the throne was made of extremely soft fabric, filled with cotton. A man sat atop of it listening to the news of the establishment of a new country.

" This is Heresy!!", A noble stood up from his seat and said as the ministers finished their reports," That Commoner dared to betray Your Majesty, even after the Noble position he received!", another Noble raised his voice filled with anger and fake loyalty for the King. " That vile commoner had gotten greedier after experiencing power and position! He was but a mere commoner, yet Your Majesty showed his benevolence and appointed him as a Noble, yet he committed a heresy!", this time an ugly bald man spoke.

He was none other than Darius Silva Ganius, the Prime Minister of the Asura Kingdom was handled most of the affairs of the Kingdom that didn't required King's presence. He was also the extreme supporter of the first Prince. He almost had a smile as he insulted Arthur, showing that he couldn't hold his joy on the god given opportunity.

Other Ministers, and Nobles started complaining as well, expressing their dislike towards Arthur and he should be executed for his crime. The King who had been silent till now spoke in a Authorative tone," Silence!", and so silence descended in the entire Hall. No matter what power they held, and the position they had, going against the King was paramount to death.

Only if the Four Great Noble Families were to assembled together they might have a chance, but it was still slim considering the North God and Water God were on King's side. Naturally the power of Prime Minister came from the King of Asura Kingdom so Reida was on King's side, and North God Kalman III was on King's side as well.

(A/N: Bald pedo isn't Hitogami's apostle and North God is on King's side and he remains as Hitogami's apostle, as said in the first chapter this fic is slightly Au, for those who forgot!)

The King rose up from his throne, a furious look etched on his face and he said," That's it! I have heard all of your complains! But remember it I am the one who shall give the traitor the punishment he deserves! I announce it on my Title of King of this Magnificent Kingdom, that traitor Arthur shall be executed!".

His words caused a smile on Bald Pedo's face and he started praising the king, others too started praising the King. Unfortunately for them, King's next words stunned him," The entire Royal Army along with the personal armies of all the Nobles, North God and Water God shall be mobilized to deal with the traitor".

" My King! Isn't that unnecessary, no matter how strong Arthur and his wife might be, they are just two people in the end!", said the head of the Notos family. But King glanced at a minister and sighed deeply," Announce it Fardenz", he said and the minister nodded, he garnered the attention of everyone present and announced," There had been made a change in the official ranking of the Seven world powers a few days ago! Laplace the Demon God has been officially declared dead and Minerva, the Magic Goddess has ascended to become the fourth great World Power!".

Again silence descended in the entire palace but this time Nobles faces had turned into one of horror! Why wouldn't they? Afterall it was no secret that Laplace had broken his seal, the news had circulated the entire world by now! Of course there was uneasiness and slight chaos after this news was revealed, but considering how there had been rumors of him disappearing and no further news prompted he was again sealed by Perugius or had been killed.

Thus they had regained their calm, but now this news obviously shocked them. All the rumors were now verified and truth was revealed in a single statement, it was obvious that Magic Goddess Minerva had killed Demon God Laplace! Many of the smart Nobles quickly realized the gravity of the situation and consequences of being Arthur kept alive!

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