Demon Lord Evolution

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3rd Pov

" Thi-s! ", Reida said shocked as she looked at the scene outside, Perugius' face seethed with rage as he waited for the shockwave to subside within the barrier. " Lord! I can feel the souls of all the humans vanishing towards the sky!", said one of the Ancient Spirits in shock. Perugius' expression fell hearing his words as he thought,' Did I made some mistake? '.

Perugius wondered if his current decision was correct, he had acted impulsively but- He can't go back now, not after witnessing the deaths of hundreds of thousands. His eyes became firm as he used his sword blasting the debris away from the barrier, revealing the aftermath of the horrific impact. The Land had melted forming pools of Lava scorching the bones and leftovers of the soldiers.

The Ancient Spirits got in a battle position, ready to assist their master and summoner. Perugius was quite confident of his victory due to them, they had quite the abilities especially Sukeakoto of time, who can stop time of the person he is touching though that renders him immobile as well. Reida sweated seeing the destruction wondering if she will come out alive,' Sigh it might be last for me, I hope you do well, Isolte ', she thought.

Suddenly a woman manifested before them, she was wearing a loose robe covering her body, her body glew in a Holy Light as Holiness itself radiated from her. Whether it was Reida or Perugius, all of them got an subtle desire to kneel before her figure and worship her. Her lips parted," You shall Kneel before thee Lord, or be prepared for Eternal Death".

Her words sounded majestic blinding them for a while before he telepathically said,'Sukeakoto! Do it Now!! ', the Spirit quickly got near her and tried to touch her, but he paused in mid-air completely immobile. " What the-", Perugius muttered in shock unable to complete his sentence before his body as well as other's froze as well.

" Ughh!!!!", he screamed with all his might trying to break free from the invisible force holding him. The Ancient Spirits and Reida tried their best as well, but it was futile." To attempt to touch me! Is a crime, blasphemy for mortals and Divine alike ! I Shall judge your sins now! Your bodies shall be forfeited of their souls, Let your souls burn in Eternal Hell ", she said and waved her hand.

Suddenly Perugius' eyes dimmed as the soul from his body was forcefully extracted and was devoured by Arthur via Minerva. The Ancient Spirits screamed in pain as their very being was ripped apart and finally devoured. Reida's face became pale, and all the will she had fight to her death vanished like a fading rose. Her body free from the force that bind before her, fell on the ground.

" Please forgive me! Goddess Minerva!", she knelt in submission before the deity whose face was cold, and her voice unforgiving," You have committed crimes less than them, though not worthy of being Forgiveness, For you assisted a man who committed heinous crimes, so your soul shall be forfeited and doomed for eternity as well", she said and Reida screamed in despair as her soul was devoured and her body fell limp, burning and melting slowly due to intense heat.

Her figure suddenly vanished appearing way above in the skies, intense Holy light radiated from her and her voice boomed. " For All Thee Who Have Went Against Thy Creator, Strayed From The Correct Path! All Of Your Souls Shall Be Doomed For Eternity! I Judge All Thee To Be Guilty! May Your Souls Feel My Wrath! Meggido!", and the remaining enemy army who were still alive, the Immortal Demons who were lucky to survive, all of their bodies fell limp, lifeless as thousands of orbs of soul rose up in the sky and fell in the palm of Minerva and then vanished.

Her figure vanished as well, while the entire world was silent of what had occurred. It was displayed all over the world, whether it was her Divinity, her Holy presence, complete Annihilation of an army of million strong or the wrath of the Goddess which showed them what it meant to anger their God. Also her words such as 'Thy Creator', didn't went unnoticed leaving many perplexed.

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